Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Nunc Pro Tunc

Nunc Pro Tunc - TED Watch

Wow, the reason Ted Cruz was not in attendance Obama's last “State of the Union” was the fact he was under “Nunc Pro Tunc House Arrest”. Yes, Ted made threats against Mr. Obama a few days ago, right after Barack signed an “Executive Order” banning the ignorance of wheeling and dealing gun sales and Ted was not happy with this legislation – as his followers are “ignorant” and this law would have castrated his aspirations to be the 1st Canadian to become a U.S. President. Look, he's a Canadian, NOT an American in my book, no matter what some Constitutional scholars that read between the lines think. So when Ted yelled out the threats right after Barack “pen” signed the order with words to the effect, “he who lives by the pen dies by the pen and my pen has an eraser”, which demonstrated the “Father of Ignorance”, that mindset didn't sit too well with the secret agent man and Ted was confined “Now for Then” - placed in irons as a precaution. Wow, America, love it or leave it – but not to the Canadians...
Ted Cruz in irons after "House Arrest"

Sidebar: For those that think Cruz is a “True Blood American”, then why in hell did he just renounce his “Canadian” citizenship? As a “Canadian”, he could get away with such threats, different set of rules had he been an American – as a true American stands by the “MAN” Barack Obama Commander-in-Chief! See, intent is 9/10ths the law when it comes to this type of “Rhetoric”. If Ted was truly an American and the intent was too always remain a patron saint of Old Glory, then denouncing affiliation with “Oh Canada” would have been a pre-requisite to his obligation as an American. Ted is 45-years old, and to maintain dual-citizenship for so many years, that is cause for concern as to what side he wants to be affiliated with – U.S. or Them? And why my sentiment his respect to Canada over the United States, this nation is under attack by “Canada”, and if a “Wall” needs to be built then look no further “south”. Our military infrastructure in Alaska, under attack by Canadian owned banks, yes indeed and it amounts to pillaging at its worst – which means the U.S. Taxpayers are under attack. And when the Canadian “citizens” through Trans-Canada filed a $15-billion law suit against the “citizens” of the Red, White and Blue – this is “WAR”! So I am glad that we have a lawman that sees it fit, behind the scenes policing, that confines such threats of ignorance. Wow, maybe it is time to deport Ted, send him back to the Queen. And I would like to meet that “lawman” that arrested this disgrace, and ask him if Hillary is next? Yes, Nunc Pro Tunc, it is never too late to arrest those that live above the law of the land...

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