Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ground Control...

FAA Regional Airspace Command: "Ground control to major Tom, please repeat SOS"...static..."smoke pouring out of a boxcar door". See, I am flying over the ocean, no emergency landing strips close by and the cabin, well the smoke is causing the "comfort" turkey to run crazed up and down the isle-way...and shitting all over the place, feathers flying on-high like in a Sarah Palin reality stalking - that beheading ritual once seen on TV live . Hey, its 2016 and high gear for the race, and I miss not seeing Palin in the limelight! Anyway, now that many new airplanes come equipped with 120VAC outlets at every seat because we are a "wired" society - maybe weirded - it was just a matter of time before something went up in smoke. Look, kids like pushing things into outlets, and with very little other entertainment when in mom's lap, a two-year old is no lap-dog! OK, all is calm now as it wasn't the outlet, even though there was a melt-down at 21B, and the XBOX charger is now a wad of prehistoric Ted Crud! Dust to dust, plastic to plastic...See we were just informed that the smoke is coming from down below, from the cargo hold, one of those e-butts was left on auto-pilot and when above 10000-feet and all was cool with electronic devices, time for a hit. See, the guys upfront have a downstairs hatch, so pilots can take a quick exit piss and with all that luggage, great place to take a nap. Bravo, as the brave-heart second-seater downed a self-contained-breathing-apparatus and saved the day, the smoldering butt is now out...been a long time since I had a nicotine high and the first "free-thing" from an airline in a long time! "Comfort Animals", interesting concept man's best of friends and indicates how evolution is not fair to humans. And it was the "comfort" animals that acted as the fire-alarm when this smoke erupted, the animals that were aboard but down south as airlines only allow a ratio of 4 "man to beast" topside due non-payers - and now the animals in the cellar are all dead due to asphyxiation. No crime though, as the high seas are in international waters and "dog" is still considered a delicacy! But we see and hear more and more about so-called "Comfort Animals" that are allowed aboard a plane, no questions asked due the fact if an airline refuses to allow such accommodations, it is an automatic $150000 fine and the reason we not only see dogs entering the race, but turkeys to turtles. I'm looking for an elephant on a leash to accompanying me...Now that would be a good job for Hillary, on a leash, just the way Bill has controlled her destiny for so many years as in this nation "under politics" some find life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so abused.  Hillary Clinton is NOT a free "WOMAN" and reinforces what John Lennon preached so well those listening: "Woman is the nigger of the world". So maybe when the FBI indicts Mrs. Madman because I believe the entire e-mail misclassified documents fiasco was a directive from Bill, then we can as a nation comes to grips that it was that power brokering and continued "Do as I say" coercion and condescending attitude along with that power control wheeling and dealing by the predominant aggressor, hey the "beat goes on" - which indicates without a doubt Bill does indeed need help. So,  Hillary can become his bonafide court appointed "Comfort Animal". I am serious, as she is already on Bill's leash, and sent to the dog-house when Bill's pimps show up. Good DOG, stay, be quiet. And think of how much this would save the American "Taxpayers", as when always together only a single Secret Service detail required and then Hillary would always have, well a leash on Bill! Freudian slap? Secret Service, sounds like Bill's favorite pastime...OK, don't pick on Hillary. But when so many despise what Bill did while in the Oval Office, we see the fallout it has upon others and this family affair, well it handicaps a nation and we are all abused and the reason we cannot tolerate any more Hillary nonsense, as the culprit this "aggression" is still smiling and telling us the same damn lie, "I did not have...", like "Trust Me" and this is wherein Hillary should have said "Get F$%&%^ Bill" and had she had the guts, then "Old Glory" would have been her destiny as the next Commander-in-Chief. I will never, never ever cast a vote for Hillary, because of Bill's presence still, AMEN!

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