Monday, December 7, 2015

Gun Control 101

GUN CONTROL – Made Simple

When there exists a question the wording of the “Original” U.S. Constitution in competition amendments made in haste along the way, the U.S. Supreme Court will unanimously decide an “opinion” based on the intent of the “Founding Fathers”. With respect to “Gun Control”, any legal owner of any type of weapon of arms by virtue of the 2nd Amendment is a member of the “Well Regulated Militia”. That in itself bears witness the reasoning behind the “right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. And when the Militia Act of 1903 was passed, there came a separation of government and state, with the so-called “Reserve Militia” and that of the “Organized Militia” as two separate enlistment entities. The latter being defined as the “National Guard” and somewhat under government control already by virtue of federal support. The Commander-in-Chief has control over the “Organized Militia” today. Even though such government control over a state with respect to the “Guard” has been tried, Uncle Sam rests its case the winner. So anybody that owns or conceals a firearm not part of the duty as an “Organized Militia”, by virtue of the 2nd is inclined to be included in the “Reserve Militia”, as that keeps in tact the “Well Regulated Militia” clause which has found unanimous acceptance without compromise even the NRA. Now with respect to “Gun Control” speeches following the San Bernardino attacks and Barack Obama's Sunday “Terror in the Streets” speech, did he invoke the reality that the next step if ISIS in the “Homeland” cannot be defeated, the orchestration of U.S. Constitutional Article 2-Section 2 – Presidential Powers? “The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States”. See, our troops will be busy fighting ISIS in the Middle East theater of war, so will many National Guardsmen be part of that deployment, as the entire quagmire will find escalation as Syria finds too many bed wetting fellows, like Russia part of the equation. It appears the “Holy War” is upon us and when the smoke clears, maybe we can get back to some semblance of civility all humans no matter what color or religion. IMAGINE, what we could do by “Coming Together”! So back home, well the sitting President can exercise his option of calling to duty the “Reserve Militia” and with that, every gun owner will now be under the reach of the “Commander-in-Chief”. And if invoked, allowed court-Martialing for those refusing that front-and-center call to actual service. So yes, for those “gun owners” between the age of 17 to 45, guess what...Gun Control made “SIMPLE” for a reason! And maybe this is what it takes to calm this nation's nerves, a Commander-in-Chief doing his job to make sure this out-of-control nonsense with guns finds some semblance of control, as it appears we have allowed the “Terrorists” the same damn rights that were supposed to be ours only, because we allowed our “Rights” to be trespassed upon through “Fear” - not from the evil terrorists, but “Fear” from our own government. Remember, “We the People” defines that “government”!

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