Saturday, November 28, 2015

Vatican Christmas Present

Dear Archbishop Schnurr. Your “We need to do more then raise our voices” comes true! Wasn't your church's damn “pedophile” attacks enough Armageddon against “Humanity”?

From the Archbishop Dennis Schnurr
Recently released videos in which officials of Planned Parenthood traffic in human organs, tissues, and body parts from their abortion clinics are chilling and appalling. They display a callous disrespect for human life. Staff from the Family and Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese took part in “Women Betrayed” rally at Planned Parenthood’s Cincinnati clinic on July 28 to protest this outrage.
However, we need to do more than raise our voices. I urge Catholics and all people of good will to write to their representatives in state and national government, asking them to stop the flow of your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has supported defunding for many years. Planned Parenthood received more than $1.3 million in state funds from Ohio and $500 million in federal funds in fiscal 2013-2014.
 What your "Do More" unleashed....

Merry Christmas to a dead hero...I pray for your sins Mr. Bishop!

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