Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Happy 92nd Ted

Dear Ted

Well “Happy Birthday” once again my friend and so true well-wishes a delayed “Veterans Day 2015” hand-shake for your years of service to America. We surely miss you, as does the U.S. Congress miss a mentor with “Hulk” charisma. Wow, would have been your 92nd make a wish! But you still hold the title for longest sitting republican senator, amongst other achievements while engaged on the “Hill” for well over 40-years and President “pro tempore emeritus” how many times? Since you left, things have surely gone down-hill, especially here in Alaska. Imagine, the new governor pays some “outside” jerk $120000 a month, yes month, to sabotage any realization in getting a natural gas line moving to the construction phase to “un-strand” all that clean burning stuff from up north. Even though you set-forth legislation back in the 70s, when working with the Bush Rat, that guaranteed that much needed pipeline within 5-years of “Oil In”, well it is sad as today we are still waiting. Especially now that Fairbanks will become the EPA's “Enema Number 1” with respect to air-pollution. In fact, so bad that to use a wood-stove one needs an “Affidavit Waiver” from the borough. See, MoanaLisa MurCowpiefly with help from Don Young gutted the EPA - so without any stroke to force anything constructive, there is no longer any “Real” need for a natural gas pipeline to bring to the interior affordable “Greener” energy, as Alaska was offered an exemption from the “Coal” restrictions. Which means “Uslessbelli's” coal will continue to reign and that natural gas will remain stranded. So it appears there is a concerted effort to, well pollute the “Last Frontier” wilderness. That “Clean Coal Plant” you funded with research bucks many years ago was about to come on-line after years of wasted litigation, but no need anymore as just keep the old-plant belching out “crap” to ruin the environment. And I for one realize that your plane wreck was an assassination orchestrated by wealthy individuals tied to the telecommunication and oil field service sector. See, I understand what you knew or discovered with the IRS breakdown break-ins through the VECO headquarters in Anchorage, when Bill Allen assisted in providing a “back-door” into the “Revenue” computers so records could be erased and when you discovered what was going on and ready to spill the beans, well you became a victim of a “cover-up” and to get rid of the evidence, well need I say more. So there exists a few that realize what went on, but Don escaped the fall-out, by throwing you under the “Bridge To Nowhere”. Yes, that “Bridge” is a reality today, as soon after you were booted out MoanaLisa and Don went on the warpath to get that money to build “uselessness”, like the gold plated toilet seat. And Don still tells everyone that you were the one responsible for the M.V. Susitna mess, still never once saw a crew of paying passengers that waste of U.S. Taxpayers' loot and we thought funding for measuring the penis anatomy of a Muskox was lunacy. So, thanks for trying to make America a better place, you were successful but when push comes to shove, your thought to be an honorary statesmen found “Greed” by others that pushed you into that...deHavilland DHC-3 Otters DON”T crash! Maybe some day the truth will be released, in the meantime Don goes about his merry way like he is a saint, and MoanaLisa, well she is still trying to keep the Alaskan natives under the “BIA Welfare Umbrella” and that guy that beat Begich, your senate seat had you still been here, well he is following right in MoanaLisa's footsteps, using the Native Alaskan welfare ticket to buy votes for that job of a lifetime. For your time in the Senate, it was all work and very little play and those of us that knew what you were doing, maybe not all the time approval upon, well Alaska was on the road to “Independence” until the likes of Billy Brown moved north. Yes, in a nutshell that wacko family defines Alaskan politics today, all the way to the “beltway”. For the scoundrels that have succeeded, well it is all play and since then the U.S. Constitution has lost ground so has the Alaskan Constitutional conviction. “We're In” today sounds more like “On the Way Out”! So thanks again, for caring about what our “Founding Fathers” saw fit what Congress was supposed to be all about, instead of controlled by a bunch of nose-bleeding wannabes. Yes, Bill Sheffield is still at it, behind the scenes like is Frank...wrecking havoc upon what you put together as a “True American Alaskan”, something very few can lay claim to this day. Hey, it's your day, so enjoy the fishing.

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