Saturday, November 14, 2015

Coast to Coast

Wow, renewable energy is booming from sea to shining sea! It is putting many Native Americans and Hispanics to work, by the boatloads at some of the solar farms being built down south. The reason we hear nothing but doom and gloom with the 2016 GOP Neanderthall candidates, as those reservationist and dependents of immigrants, these people don't seem to be counted so the economy is in the “mud” due no jobs? See, these assholes wanting to be the 45th have no idea what is happening from Coast to Coast. I miss Sarah Palin...But the momentum is behind “renewables”, but for a simple reason. See, the “renewables” found the fuse of interest sparkling when George Bush smashed all the pumpkins and left the “Oval Office” desk a mess. OK, Bill also messed up that office, with feminine spray. Anyway, Obama came to the rescue with the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” and it is the “reinvestment” part of the equation that finds the momentum behind “renewables”. It started with incentives from Uncle Sam, and today long after such cushioning by the U.S. Treasury any risks, the solar industry is on its own. So, YES, credit to Obama for allowing this nation more energy independence. But we cannot forget to give credit wherein credit is due another entity that is providing a helping hand this “Green Energy” revival. It's called EXXON! Praytell, are I crazy? See, the price of oil is low, been down in the lower-48 for almost a year by now, which means gas prices down to 2-bucks in nook'n granny podunks. See, EXXON is used herein to represent the “Don Corleone”, the “Big Oil” monopoly bully. See, when “Freak'n Fracing” started to promote the “Independent” oil companies – the mom & pop podunks – this came to be felt and seen as an interference pattern with “Big Oil” reigning on high for so long. So a plan was hatched to, well an offer “Mighty Moe Green” should not have refused. Now with “energy independence” a reality, EXXON could manipulate the pricing globally, basically lower the price of energy below $58-bucks a barrel in efforts to dry-out to bankruptcy the “Independents” that were taking over some of the business, especially in the Permian Basin – that “Independent” pot of black-gold. That's right, a planned manipulation by “Big Oil” to purposely lower the price of oil, to castrate grandpa - once a rancher now a J.R. Ewing wannabe. The reason that Texas is selling out to the Chinese, as EXXON is tied to foreign interests and wrestling away control every which way but loose, because one day the price of oil will soar again - when it is under control by the Mafioso. See, when “Fracing” started making the “Independents” rich, it was time for “Big Oil” to go on the attack. Hey, “Big Oil” doesn't “frac”, not in Alaska and this new technology affordable to the podunks, well it was interference. So that is the reason the price of oil has sunk so low for so long, it is a strangle hold by the monopoly - EXXON. And the government knows this is going on, but it really can't do anything as the price for US consumers is low and behold - not highway like robbery control - so why complain! So time has always been on the side of “Big Oil”, and the fall-out of this strangulation on these “Independents” is starting to show signs of a levy breach. Down in Texas we see acres upon acres of new and used “Fracing” equipment going to auction, as it was sidelined for a while by the “Independents” in hopes the market would turn around. It didn't, and today these “Independents” cannot survive, not with such low prices and even with comfortable margin reserves when prices soared at $100, well that “comfort” has been but erased. Most “Independents” still in business today are operating on such “reserves”, but that will be erased as the Wall Street speculator contracts come up for renewal. And with the sell-out of Permian leases to the Chinese, well read the writing on the wall – as “Big Oil's” plan to discourage the “Independents” is working. Remember, time is on their side, to sideline the “Independents”. See, the price of oil is artificially held low today, the reason “renewable energy” has not died out as in time with higher oil prices once the EXXON plan works, higher priced “renewables” will be worth it, once again. Building that infrastructure today, which means it will be already built once the EXXON plan reaches maturity – and it will be a money maker. So looking forward these investments, as it is a for sure wining proposition. So we are starting to see, well the “Independents” are bankrupt...according to the Dragon! Yes, last week alone saw over $21-million in surplus equipment used by the “Independents” come to auction, problem nobody is buying this stuff. And estimates indicate that the surplus rage in Texas alone is close to a $billion$, which means that same amout in defaulted loans. Scary? Well for a while prices will remain low, until the plan comes to fruition and like with the momentum behind “renewables”, there is no stopping the EXXON but this time around the ship-wreck will be “Hard Aground” for J.R.!

 Once a sandlot, now an auction lot!

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