Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dear Mike & Joe

Dear Mike & Joe;
So as private owners of Tall City Exploration, you have sold off your Texas oil leases to Yantal Xinchao for $1.3-Billion. Which means you are probably now enjoying initiation into the 1% club. And how many jobs will be lost when the Chinese take over, at least we know the wages will diminish to “slave labor” and if hydro-fracing causes the aquifer to cave in, well at least you guys got out of Dodge with the loot! This seems NOT for real that a Texas corporation in a state that believes Jade Helm-15 is a Barack Obama conspiracy to take over Texas...maybe rightfully so when actions like your sellout move has demonstrated for the “almighty buck” allowing for foreign entity to, well it's treason. So, out of curiosity, are you men Democrat or Conservative or closet COMMUNISTS? And does the Bush family own any stock in your cash out?

 Coming to a TEXAS oil field near YOU!

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