Sunday, September 27, 2015

Boehner's Boner

Why are we so secretive? Take that back, why is Johnny “Boy” Boehner's retreating from the House of ill-Repute being handled as if it were his plan, to finally say goodbye to his steadfast obligation to make sure “Congress” does nothing – under his watch during the Obama presidency? But here is the inside scoop. Boehner was under “Secretive Investigation” with respect to a violation of the “Logan Act” promulgated when he invited Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before the Congress in March. We have laws, that date back to when the originators of the “Constitution” tried to put in place a mighty foundation - with some semblance of control - that covered all malfeasances that could be demonstrated by a sitting government official. And when “Netanyahu” was invited by Mr. Boner in efforts to use the “House Chambers” as a ways to deny and defy “Democracy”, well that broke the law. So the White House was bombarded with cries to try this treasonous act of omission. See, some Americans still believe in action, an “Ask Not but Ask What” sentiment to demonstrate “We the People Care”! Yes indeed, well over a “MILLION” citizens forged a petition to have the Obama administration look into not “if”, but how destructive was Boehner's approach. See, he did this without Obama's permission, intentionally broke the “LAW”. So in the end, it is all “politics”. We very seldom see “King Ranking” officials indicted, as that would mean an official would be fired and loose that retirement benefit. And imagine if we did promote Logan's “Do the Crime, Do the Time” when politicians demonstrate they give not a rat's ass about “Laws”, imagine if we did promote follow-through the laws already enacted and thus convicted those guilty and as an end result the perpetrators ended up as “homeless baggers”? “Hey, there's John looking for a handout”! That would be an embarrassment to our heritage, so instead any malfeasance is used as a bargaining chip, and Boehner was given the ultimatum - leave peacefully and retire with that lucrative U.S. Taxpayer supported endowment and in doing so peacefully allowed to, well go away in “good standing” so a “Lobby Hobby” job is the next life. Look, Obama is not too mess with, he is probably the best “Commander-in-Chief” of time gone bye, given the fact he was handed over a ruined “nation” back in January of 2009 - following George Bush's “Apocalypse Now” retirement party. So Obama is using his stroke in the final inning, to make sure this nation remains confident that obstructionism is rewarded with, well a slap in the face but makes a better nation for the next generation. Said again, we don't see for clear what goes on behind the scenes, yet this is one that sounds of “retaliation” and a victory for “AMERICA”! Well done Mr. Obama, we salute.....He's a “WACKO”, I am talking the “Tin Man”! Ted Cruz is demonstrating so far to the right that breaking the “Logan Act” appears about the only thing our “Do Nothing Congress” applies itself with success. Yes Tin Man is calling for the assassination of the Ayatollah and voiced such when at the podium during the Kim Davis “NO VALUE” Voters summit: “If the ayatollah doesn’t understand that, we may have to help introduce him to the 72 virgins.” OK, but this is a direct interference crime-scene case, as it could promote “Harm” against America as it is a call for an assassination, that's you & I in the cross-hairs and it's during the Iran nuclear dealings. It violates the “Intent of Congress”, to allow the “Commander-in-Chief” to protect this nation's best interest findings. And Cruz thinks that Boehner's exit is due a love affair with Pelosi? According to the man without a brain, heart or courage – the trio-fecta Wicked Witch of Oz's offsprings - I will say, the early reports are discouraging...if it is correct that the speaker, before he resigns, has cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to fund the Obama administration for the rest of its tenure, to fund Obamacare, to fund executive amnesty, to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund implementation of this Iran deal — and then, presumably, to land in a cushy K Street job after joining with the Democrats to implement all of President Obama’s priorities, that is not the behavior one would expect of a Republican speaker of the House.” Look, at least Boehner is going away, but Cruz, a bonafide “Law Breaker” behind the protection of religion. Oh my god, please Sarah Palin, come to our rescue.

Logan Act
The Logan Act(18 U.S.C. §953, enacted January 30,1799) is a United States fedreal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from undermining the government's position.

 Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo”

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