Thursday, August 13, 2015

Mud Flat Rescue

Mud Flat Rescue

Wow, a PA-18 Super Cub single engine plane with two passengers crashed into the shallow muddy water of Knik Arm just after midnight on July 31st, but within 9-minutes of the 911 distress call, the passengers were safe and sound due the M.V. Susitna coming to the rescue. The Susitna was docked at the Pt. MacKenzie ferry facility - home port - and within 3-minutes was at the crash scene. With darkness already making any rescue attempts by the Anchorage Fire Department dangerous in itself and an incoming tide estimated at 28-feet about to engulf the fuselage of the plane, it was good thing the Susitna was available. This should put to rest any skepticism this "U.S. Taxpayer" built vessel, that which has been an ongoing controversial bone-of-contention ever since it was christened by MoanaLisa MurCowpiefly back in 2010. Even though the Susitna has been on a ship-wreck course since the original sea trials, here we have proof that the investment by Americans was worthwhile. Part of the original selling point for an "amphibious assault vessel" - that is basically a hull with two powerful marine engines and can move along at white lightning speed - was the quick deployment to rescue planes that may crash in the Cook Inlet, especially valuable the Susitna during a cold weather crash wherein rescue time becomes critical due concerns of hypothermia. So "Bravo" those that were adamant that Alaska needed the $80-million from Congress to build this vessel and today we have proof!

"It's an omnivore. It's not optimized for any one task, but it has a wide range of tasks it can do, and that's what makes it useful. It can work in deep seas, it can work in rough waters, it can break ice, it can work in shallow waters and go up to the beach. There's no other ship in the world that can do that.", commented Lew Madden, the Susitna Co-inventor.

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