Monday, July 6, 2015


We the Taxpayers, exploited by the Grocery Boy behind the counter at Doyon Utilities.

ARMY Response: “The Regulatory Commission of Alaska “Order” for Doyon Utilities is unreasonable in that it does not allow DOD sufficient time and opportunity to prepare a response to the numerous unfounded allegations of Doyon Utilities and that it is based on erroneous and incomplete information. Doyon also requests interim increases for each system that in most cases are more than 50 percent of the total increase, without hearings or examination of its extensive filing. DOD's current annual payments to Doyon exceed $75,000,000 and would balloon to nearly $100,000,000 annually, if accepted without challenge and examination. DOD generally disputes Doyon's numerous allegations and mischaracterization of its relationship, the status of the facilities, and the payments due. DOD intends to provide testimony and other evidence that will largely rebut Doyon's filing. Doyon touts itself as a “Public Utility" and therefore should be held to the same level of scrutiny as other public utilities. Over the course of this year, DOD has consistently received misleading information, or no information, about the expected filing date of this huge case. Doyon initially informed DOD that the filing would occur in late June, 2012. Then, it changed to sometime in April , then to sometime in May. After years of doing business with DOD, Doyon should be aware of DOD's need for time to coordinate unusual activities like rate cases such as this, and (Doyon)should not seek to exploit these conditions. DOD is willing to work constructively with Doyon as this case progresses , so that agreement may be reached on important procedural matters. The Doyon filing is highly complex, poorly and confusingly constructed and lacking in overall organization and indexes. On June 15, 2012, DOD Counsel contacted Doyon Counse l by telephone , informing Doyon of DOD's need for a postponement. Doyon Counsel declined DOD's request, stating Doyon had no position on the request.”

Counsel, U.S. Department of Defense
General Attorney - Regulatory Law
U. S. Army Legal Services Agency
9275 Gunston Road
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5546

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