Thursday, April 23, 2015

Queen for the Day

More Alaskan Stuff: Something Uncle Sam does well, “Stand Thy Ground”! And herein is a storyline that enforces taking sides a belief, that when push comes to shove – be careful those battle lines being drawn against Miss Liberty! That time of year again, when the state university system wastes more money – sad especially when workers are being furloughed up on the hill. Must be something in the air there in Fairbanks, and wait there's more - as if the air quality is making men & women prefer poor judgment, wait a few days when the American Lung Association lists Fairbanks & North Pole as the evil empire with respect to “Bad Air”. But the Golden Heart “Queen for the Day” profession lives on, and this year's recipient was a long-time breathier of “Bad Air” named Andy Warwick. Yup, last Friday the “Queen for a Day” followers attended a $100 sell-out dinner, a warm and cozy affair that had candle light! Ironic, as just the day before at Ft. Wainwright – a “mission critical” military establishment – the base went without power and heat for almost an entire day! Good thing it was in the 50s, as this is “unusual pain and suffering” for our troops and families that had to endure such an inconvenience, without candle light. Even the commissary was closed due “No Power”. A snow day for the kids, even without snow! A traffic jam due messed up traffic signals, and families told to “conserve” flushing the toilets – as without power the integrated utility system fails to function – no heat, no water, no lights, no cooking, no nothing...This is a modern day “military base”, what gives? Good thing the military hospital had its own “backup” power, especially when beds are filled with returning Iraq vets that couldn't evacuate to warmer shelters! See, a few years ago there was a similar “post outage”, and then Dan Gavora was awarded the “Queen for the Day”. So, there must be a causal connection, as Dan and Andy are both board members of Doyon Utilities – the entity that operates and maintains the Ft. Wainwright power and sewer plant. So lights out, award time it appears. What I am getting at is this. There is no excuse for a handsomely appropriated utility like Doyon to ever allow a “mission critical” military base to go cold and dark. When a power plant that provides heat through steam shuts down, it takes days to get that heat flowing again and stabilized. So as Andy was receiving his “Queen for a Day” credentials, troops and families on base were just starting to feel the “heat”! Congratulations Mr. Warwick, job well done. Look, yes blame for such dereliction a conviction finds targeting the utility executives for incompetency. Now Doyon Utilities maintains the “Privatization Contract” between the U.S. ARMY and has upgraded the Ft. Wainwright facility, in efforts to make sure base-wide “outages” CANNOT occur. Imagine if this kind of power outage occurred when it was minus 50? In fact, the money spent by the U.S. Taxpayers to make sure this base is secure from outages, well it could only occur if a sabotage or terrorist attack was planned and found success. As a matter of another fact not fiction, even if the base power plant were to have a problem, a tie-line with Golden Valley exists to provide at least traffic lights, part of a $70-million upgrade – but that didn't even work! Why, because GVEA didn't have enough “extra” power and when it finally brokered some extra light bulb watts from down south, the entire inter-tie grid crashed - and not only was Ft. Wainwright without power, so was half of Fairbanks and customers all along the rail-belt! And the spokesperson said the cause was a lightning strike? OK, this was not a sabotage or terrorist attack, said again blame it on “Management Incompetency”. Go ahead, as it won't hurt Gavora's salary as the CEO for Doyon! Notice: Doyon Utilities can only share half the blame to the “Doyon” label, as the Native owned “Limited” associated with Gavora only owns 50% of the utility – the other half owned by foreigners! See, we cannot tell the truth, we cannot stand the truth, as the “Brass” are taking note of how Alaska fits into the changes coming for the Pacific Command as the theater of WAR changes hands. Things like “power outages” and failed back-up systems, well this will decrease that level of security and trust taken into account for the future of a military presence – and Alaska is on thin ice with the “Brass”! So a power outage hurts. Hey Andy, enjoy the dessert and Gavora blowing smoke! Anyhow, for those of you most not in the know because a smiling face has a second nature, Gavora and crew are really under the microscope with respect to “Trust” when it comes to dealing with Uncle Sam. See, that $Billion$ dollar 50-year “Privatization Contract” awarded Doyon and the foreigners has been caught in a legal dispute for the past several years, wherein Gavora and the “BOD” - which includes a decision making Warwick - well Doyon was trying to rape the U.S. Taxpayers over the coals – rape in “heat” it's called! The brass have taken notice of this, and we may see Wainwright's “mission criticalpriority erased, as you don't piss off the men and women armed to defend this nation – which includes the U.S. Taxpayers being defended against Doyon style “pillage and rape”. Imagine if Wainwright started loosing its “mission”, it would be a devastating blow to Fairbanks. The “Contract Dispute” between Uncle Sam and Gavora and crew has cost $millions$ alone in settlement litigation costs – an unnecessary evil villain waste against the U.S. Taxpayers. And it is all based on “Greed”, with the thinking that Uncle Sam will cave in. I don't know how these crooks can consider themselves “Patriotic” to the “American Spirit”? More in tune to “Patriotic” to “What's in your wallet”! So, is Gavora and Warwick fit for the Golden Heart “Queen for a Day”? Yes, but not at all fit to be enjoying the “Businessman of the Year Award”, unless being crooked is a prerequisite. But very few understand what is going on in this dispute, so I am glad that Uncle Sam has sent in the defenders – a cast of confident government attorneys – to make sure this castration of our taxation by Gavora and company is stopped. See, the “Queens” have already enjoyed becoming $millionaires$ with this “Privatization” fiasco, maybe that is also part of the equation that warrants the “Queen for a Day” congratulations? Attitude I am talking about – we already made our loot, so what about cold troops! See, when “Privatization” became a reality here in Alaska, Doyon Utilities was born. A venture owned by Doyon Limited and, drum roll please, Fairbanks Sewer & Water – Gavora and Warwick's business. Now when the “Privatization Contract” was still fresh with ink and officially signed akin to taking an “oath” ofI, John Doe & Jane Doe of American Citizenry do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.“, well Gavora and the BOD decided it was time to sell out, so made a lucrative deal with Inland Pacific Resources Corporation through Corix – for the pee-neptual purchase of FS&W's share of the $Billion$ dollar bountyPrivatization” contract, which included Ft. Wainwright, Ft. Greely and Ft. Richardson. So what, many would do the same if made an offer you couldn't refuse. But that is wherein the problem seemed to find the “Greed” factor, as Uncle Sam was in a vulnerable position. And that sell-out included some very good “Goodwill” for the owners of the “Sewer”, in the tune of $50-million in sell-out options, including “preferred stock”. Basically speaking, the “Sewer” was over-inflated for a reason - like crap was now as good as “gold” - in efforts to make a killing and then use Uncle Sam to cover the loses. So “Corix” was willing to shell out for the Gavora & Warwick sell-out, because Gavora was the CEO of Doyon Utilities and maybe that over inflated price tag could be recouped through, well raping over the U.S. Taxpayers. Of course that was the plan, and it almost worked. When Gavora and the BOD - which includes Warwick - tried to increase the operating and maintenance costs Doyon Utilities charged Uncle Sam, in the tune of 100% increases over the “contract” language, it started a WAR! Doyon had reneged on the contract and was in violation of, well it was attempted rape! This is what the Directorate of the “Contract” defending Uncle Sam has said about Doyon:As you are aware the Army approached the RCA and jointly petitioned for RCA regulation of our Utilities Privatization Contract we established with Doyon Utilities, LLC (DU). This unusual combination of having a Federal Government contract with the State regulating has been interesting for us as we attempt to get DU to perform to the contract requirements. We are currently involved in several significant contract dispute issues, with more on the horizon; all of our jobs will become much more challenging by adding in the RCA through the 13 different rate cases DU intends to file in 2012. Given the above as a background, my requests for information are; The Army asked to be regulated. If we now want to ask that the RCA not regulate our Fort Wainwright contract with DU, what level of authority from the Army would you need?” By pushing the “Regulated” requirements early on, Doyon thought that would provide a hurdle so it could overthrow Uncle Sam in its favor for any and all increases. It was a well hatched out plan – inflate the fair-market value of the “Sewer” through outrageous “Goodwill” and favorable “stock options” because of a guaranteed $Billion$ dollar contract with a 50-year duration then recoup the inflation by raping the U.S. Taxpayers! But it backfired on Gavora, and now it is starting to hurt! GO ARMY! To date, well the ARMY lawyers have confiscated back close to $26-Million for the U.S. Taxpayers, which means this – Gavora and Warwick were caught red-handed trying to rape the U.S. Taxpayers. And with the ARMY legal intervention, it will set precedencee over the entire contract life and Doyon's foreigners will never recoup their loses – ha, ha! And it was not hard to see what was going on behind the scenes with Doyon Utilities' “Queens”. When Gavora's henchmen thought oversight was a good thing due interference, the ARMY called the bluff – and with Doyon it was but a “bluff charge”, that didn't amount to anything harmful when the ARMY sent in its experts to defend Miss Liberty. Ask yourself this. Who are the real “Home Grown” terrorists? So it appears that the Canadian outfit that thought it could pull a fast one, even with “Turncoat” Americans at the helm and all out efforts to recover what it paid out for the over-inflated “Sewer”, well think twice Mr. Maple Leaf, as we won this round! So as the troops and families huddled in their base housing trying to stay warm as heat was finally being restored at Wainwright, Warwick was enjoying a candle light dinner, with his cohorts: “Every ship needs a captain with a firm hand on the tiller,” wrote Wilken, a local business owner and former legislator, in his nomination form. “Over the last three decades, I have had the distinct pleasure of sailing with Mr. Andy Warwick.” Tiller”? Maybe “till” is a better description. Said again, GO ARMY, defeat the bastards trying to sail away with our loot! Here it is in a nutshell. If an individual is a well respected man about town, but uses that to dishonor Miss Liberty, is it but a crook in camouflage? And when Canadians come north to rape, steal and pillage, maybe that border fence is of interest, not down south, but between US and THEM. One more tidbit. Had Doyon upheld its commitment to Uncle Sam to use “Local” banking institutes for the “Privatization” follies, it would have meant American banks taking in to date $17-Million in interest alone! When a local bank has that kind of loot, it works for the local economy, to help other businesses survive and prosper. With the sick price of oil, had Doyon done what it was supposed to do and not renege on the “contract”, maybe that loot could have been utilized for – how about getting by with a little help from a friend, for a natural gas pipeline! So, “Queen for the Day”? Good camouflage....So when you see Dan or any of the Gavora cohorts, ask them how it feels to be, well a “Traitor” to the “American Spirit”. In ending, Gavora has not stopped the looting. When Doyon Utilities came to be, Gavora was raking in about $207k – a respectable salary for a utility CEO. Today, well his 2014 salary was close to $384k – almost doubled in 4-years time! Seems by this time next year he will top Newton's outrageous GVEA yearly take-home for nothing salary! It never ends....So, when we see the University of Fairbanks “School of Business Management” awarding such...well what in hell are we teaching out futures?

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