Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ted Stevens Assassination

I have spent that last several years rummaging through crypt after crypt of information that probably finds enough puzzle pieces to formulate what some would say sounds in conspiracy, but aside from that pesky consideration a complete picture that could prove something of interstate importance. That United States Senator from Alaska Theodore Fulton “Uncle Ted” Stevens was assassinated. Ted had a very honorable political career that spanned over 6-decades and with that time experience, probably the most powerful member of congress ever, yes ever and will never be repeated again in history. Why not? Because that power brokering came from controlling the purse strings – and today with appropriations funding having stricter control, no one individual under oath of the Constitution will ever assume or consume such power – as did Ted Stevens. Chalk up the honors. Longest sitting Republican U.S. Senator. Many times acting as President Pro Tempore and gaining “emeritus status” amongst Congressional colleagues as 3rd in line, in-case a Presidential successor was needed due unforeseen circumstances. Ted put Alaska on the “map” and today the 49er is the wealthiest state of the Union, with over $50-BILLION in “Reserve”. While oil revenue bucks filled the state coffers, so did Federal bucks contribute to such wealth hoarding. When many other states found happiness with 50-cents per head of household in “appropriations” secured by its delegation, Alaska realized sometimes up to $3 – yes one hell of a windfall. According to some, Ted’s generosity created more millionaires and some billionaires – those that knew how to take advantage of the situation, basically taking advantage of Ted. Something he despised yet believed individuals make their own beds! Said again, a very powerful man that knew his way around the beltway like, well it scared many newcomers to Congress. So in the end, when this nation let a “Great Statesmen” down with a trumped up charge that didn’t really amount to anything worthwhile to waste Taxpayers’ money to investigate, was Ted so frustrated that depression was promoting him to “spill the beans”? That appears to be what was about to go down, and that would have taken down many very powerful individuals, both in the private sector and head-roll a few followers with a political affiliation. When Ted’s hamlet in Girdwood was surrounded by men and women in uniform and “carrying”, ever wonder why there were so many IRS agents involved? Ted knew something, and following the loss of his senate seat due his indictment, it would be only a matter of time wherein the turmoil would break him. His friends became his enemy, and in the end due their thirst for wealth and power and the fact of the matter the way the latter was secured, silencing Ted was paramount to “keeping” what Ted knew concealed. The plane crash that killed Ted has never been resolved. But when one sets out to see if there is a story to tell, wow, it sure appears that somebody in a high and powerful place wanted the evidence, well “killed”. Said again, Ted was an “Honorable” man, and evidence brought forward by this “statesmen” could have indicted his so-called friends - possibly including Don Young. They let him down over the years, and he was about to tell his story. Alaskan’s owe it to Ted to get this story front and center of attention, just to show how many will use their positions of power and wealth to screw over a loyal American. Look for a documentary that reveals what could be construed as a conspiracy, but for those that honored “Uncle Ted”, well the puzzle pieces are just too damn “connecting and convincing”! Ted was ASSASSINATED!

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