Monday, March 9, 2015

Talerico Torture

Yes, it is “Torture”. I am talking about the piss-ant pea-brain legislation put forward by Alaskan House Representative Dave Talerico under House Bill-138, as it could have “swift-boat” ramifications and cause an economic meltdown in interior Alaska, Fairbanks to North Pole and beyond. That could place many in “Harms” way with no relief in sight accept foreclosure and bankruptcy filings. This is definitely a well aimed “Shot to the Groin” legislation and has reinforcement from “Outside” influences, which is another reason it is “Torture”. Talerico is an ex-employee of Joe Uselessbelli's coal kingdom and aligned with Mitch McConnell's “American's Against Obama”. Answer me this. If we Alaskans own the resources by virtue of a Constitutional Convention, why is Joe so rich? Because, we are getting shorted our money's worth what comes out of the pit in Healy. So may as well restrict it - Go OBAMA, Go EPA! Anyway, this “Bill” basically strangles the EPA in Alaska with respect to oversight in efforts at reducing the carbon emissions from “Coal” fired power plants. And since the State of Alaska also joined hands with McConnell's “Turncoat” faction when Parnell was governor, the state has intervened in the Murray Energy v. EPA, in efforts to support this lawsuit that challenges the EPA's authority to enact the new rules at reducing “Green House” gas passing. That challenge is awaiting a decision before the U.S. Court of Appeals. Now Alaska had the opportunity to release itself as an “intervenor”, when Bill Walker came to town. But NO, lets keep running amuck. Our leaders – so-called not due lack of sincere profanity – are cutting our throats thinking that going against Obama is in vogue – it will catch up and soon. In Alaska, there exists only 5-power plants that would fall under the new Federal guidelines that will become “Public Law” this year, and Alaska has been nominated to reduce its coal “carbon emissions foot-print” by 26%. That is not asking too much, it means burning better coal, that simple. Joe just has too dig a little deeper, in his own pockets. But any action against the EPA, well look at what power plants are under scrutiny the “New Regulations”, that may make Fairbanks and North Pole, “HEALTHIER”! How many “Air Alerts” this year alone, wherein the military tells the parents to keep their kids indoors? Let's start at Eielson Air Force Base, wherein a coal burner is used to heat the military base housing and generate electricity for run-way lights – owned by the USAF and under jurisdiction of the ADEC under jurisdiction the EPA under jurisdiction the “Sense of Congress” with existing and future “Clean Air Act” regulations. Next, we move over to Ft. Wainwright ARMY base, wherein once again we find a coal eating power plant used to heat the military housing and generate electricity – owned by Doyon Utilities under a “Privatization” contract with the United States of America under jurisdiction of the ADEC under jurisdiction the EPA under jurisdiction the “Sense of Congress” with respect to existing and future “Clean Air Act” regulations. Then down the street, Aurora Chena Energy – owned and operated by Joe Uselessbelli and company and burning Joe's own coal to generate electricity sold to GVEA - under jurisdiction of the ADEC under jurisdiction the EPA under jurisdiction the “Sense of Congress” with respect to existing and future “Clean Air Act” regulations. A few feet away, the University of Alaska CHPP - owned and operated by the state and burning Joe's coal to generate electricity and heat to keep the college Pub open for business - under jurisdiction of the ADEC under jurisdiction the EPA under jurisdiction the “Sense of Congress” with respect to existing and future “Clean Air Act” regulations. Then we move south to Healy – wherein Healy I burns Joe's mine run “Crap” and generates electricity for GVEA - under jurisdiction of the ADEC under jurisdiction the EPA under jurisdiction the “Sense of Congress” with respect to existing and future “Clean Air Act” regulations. And just next store, the Healy II, which is already under a “Consent Decree” by the EPA, for being a polluter even before it starts back up again. So Joe Uselessbelli has a whole lot to gain by a “Bill” that would restrict the EPA from enforcing the “Clean Air Act”. But the other two power plants, under jurisdiction the ARMY & AIR FORCE, well not so easy getting away from the watchful eye of the EPA, as no “Bill” or “State's Right” can deny that “Sense of Congress” with respect to the “Clean Air Act”, as this falls under the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam. And therefore it must be in “Full Compliance” with NEPA – for the “National Environmental Policy Act” which is administrated by the EPA! So, why is this “Bill-138” torture. Well right now, this very month that Talerico shows his true allegiance and alliance to the “Outsiders” because it is in line with the KOCH Brothers mentality, the USAF is performing an EIAP for an “Action” or “NO Action” desison to base the F-35's at Eielson! And, the ARMY is looking at troop deductions at Ft. Wainwright. So both bases are under scrutiny for future necessity. Any possible laws or bills that could subject the United States to go against the NEPA, well that may be cause for concern and be a very easy out for the “Brass” making the decision of whether or not Eielson if fit for the expensive “War Birds” and whether or not Ft. Wainwright has exhausted its existence as a “premiere” training grounds – as we are not fighting a “Cold War” any longer. So with law suits and outside interference, all against a “Bigger” government mandate, we may loose out – because of stupidity and when the shit-hits-the-fan, it will mean torture for many. See, the United States military is sworn by the “NEPA”, even “Emergency Orders” could not allow the military to bend the rules for any reason but maybe an invasion. So this is what the “brass” in charge will look at. And this legislation by Talerico Tortellini, it sucks. And herein is wherein that “special interest” may get what they want – less government. And when the F-35 gets a blessing to be stationed in a place that doesn't try to circumvent the law, when the buses load up the Wainwright “Troops in Boots” and heads south, then the economy will nose dive in and around Fairbanks all the way out past North Pole - but then maybe so will “Air Pollution” be but a past problem. Hey, no troops, no power plants call in the wrecking ball – a few demolition jobs for awhile! And when the troops leave and the bases shut-down, Joe Uselessbelli and Dave Talerico can then realize how they “Tortured” Alaska, just for a political mandate at attacking Obama. Is it worth it? Hell NO! And what in hell is wrong with a “Clean Air” agenda?

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