Thursday, March 12, 2015

State of the Union

Wow. Praytell that a “We the People” petition was started on March 9th, to hold accountable the 47 U.S. Senators Turn-Coat Traitors that were signatories of an “Interference” letter to Iranian leaders, it has gained over 235000 American Patriot signatures! BRAVO SIR! In fact, it is still showing about 5000 votes each hour in favor of an indictment for sabotage – or in other words “aiding & abetting” the enemy! The requirements that the White House “faithfully” answer to such “Petitions” must garnish 100000 signatures in a month's time. So the fact that only 3-days has since transpired in what appears to be an overwhelming reception of this petition, it has already reached the goal post – it is definitely a sign of the “State of the Union” NOT “Deflated”! It appears maybe the American people are fed up with this “Do Nothing Corruption” calling itself Congress. Even though there is not much the White House can do as the violation against the Logan Act is far fetched, along with the fact that members of “Congress” may find some immunity against prosecution, there is one way in which those members may be held accountable – and face conviction! If it can be proved that the signatories violated their “oath” of conviction against “evasion”, then there could be repercussions. So our fingers remain crossed, and Monday is St. Patrick's Day. So we may have everything going in our favor. But every “True Grit American Patriot” should sign on to this petition, be it not for or against party affiliation, but we need to get the message out that “We the People” are sick and tired of a Congress that provides nothing in return, except our liberties expelled – through their inaction with unsolicited letters when there are more important things to work on, like allowing Pete Rose to be considered for his long overdue seat in the “Baseball Hall of Fame”! So I urge you to sign this petition, as a show of unity and support against a “Do Nothing Congress”!

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