Saturday, March 14, 2015

My Final 2-cents

All the phony news' hounds are coining a headline for Hillary Clinton's presidential e-mail campaign. It gives the “Peril's of Pauline” new life, maybe Montazuma's Revenge. OK, Hillary had one thing on her mind when she stood in front of the world to excuse her e-mail fling with Bill's server. Yes “world” stage, as she has more friends abroad then here in the states – campaign contribution wise. The reason it was broadcast from the U.N. podium, so it could reach out to Yemen men. And I am sure from the look on her face - facial disgrace recognition even Botox can't hide - she was thinking why in hell didn't I divorce his ass? It was Bill's server that got Hillary in trouble, a control freak thing with Bill – an ingredient consistent with spousal abuse, as Hillary has been abused way too long. Maybe it was a way Bill could monitor what Hillary was doing, even with “State” sponsored stuff that was supposed to be on a need-to-know basis. “Dear, I can help”! Or, “good, she's far and away I can play...blow my saxophone”! Had she divorced his ass way back when the “Blue Moon” showed up for music lessons, Hillary would have been by now a formidable servant and a good choice for the U.S. Presidency. OK, just kidding! OK, it is hard to say how she would have turned out without Bill by her side , “stand by your man” regardless its a commitment – a political aspiration commitment. Look, Chelsea turned out a fine American lady, I think she hid away from Bill when Monica was front and center of attention and blowing the saxophone. But instead with Hillary, stick with it as Bill has connections and thus she became trapped as a servant for the server for more of the same, abuse! Maybe it is time for her to say, so long Bill, as it is never too late! But I come to her defense, a weenie tenacity bit, upon the use of a “private” e-mail account. Hey, Sarah Palin did it, so that gave this Alaskan the privilege to act the same. See. I worked for a small company in Fairbanks. Being small, they couldn't afford the luxury of a “compliant” server so when I was set up with a company e-mail, it didn't always work because I didn't live at the office. So I opted to utilize a “private” e-mail account that was set-up with the local brew-master, I mean GCI. So for years, any correspondence between the business owners and this worker, it was through my private parts. Just kidding, as it was all guys! Now in the end, things didn't work out as the business partners thought I liked working for “Free” instead of a “Fee”, and refused to pay me some “Lost Wages”. Low and behold, I had all the rip-off and scamming documented on “my” e-mails from the thieves. That said, I didn't have to worry about any conflicts of confidentiality – it was my e-mail, not theirs. Yes, wherein the business owners admitted they had underpaid me for services rendered. Good thing, as when I terminated my employment, when I was locked out of the office it meant I would have been locked out of any company e-mail! I mean, good God I had everything at my disposal with respect to respectable evidence, like being abused by asbestos at some of the aging military base power plants, like out at Ft. Wainwright and owned and operated by Doyon Utilities – in case I must sue! Sure in a court of law I could maybe ask for such evidence if needed in the future, but it is like a “Freedom of Information Request” – if you don't know exactly what to ask for with dates, good luck. And there comes limitations to legal action based on the “Statute of Statutory Rape Limitations”! The same reason it is taking so long for Hillary to come clean with the goods, as when and where and how and why must be part of any information request and delaying can bring relief. And you could ask for it all, but only after it was parsed and scrubbed, erasing any evidence against the thieves. So in my case, good thing for the “private” e-mail. But in my case, I had nothing to hide, so nothing was erased away from my private parts. The reason Hillary's fling is, well “The Perils of Pauline” with the runs and her excuses are constipated! So I thank Sarah Palin, for teaching me the art of...damn can't think of a coining headline that makes “cents”!

 With your sheet-metal memory of Cannery Row,
And your magazine-husband who one day just had to go,
And your gentleness now, which you just can't help but show,
Who among them do you think would employ you?
Now you stand with your thief, you're on his parole
With your holy medallion which your fingertips fold,
And your saintlike face and your ghostlike soul,
Oh, who among them do you think could destroy you
Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands,
Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,
My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,
Should I leave them by your gate,
Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?

(Bob Dylan)

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