Wednesday, March 18, 2015

License To KILL

When John Boehner invited Benjamin Netanyahu over to the United States so the Israeli prima-donna minister could use “OUR” podium to campaign for his home country re-election, there would come retaliation! This is “We the People's” House, not to be used as the pulpit of political corruption for other nations. As an “un-invited” diplomat, it was an action unbecoming a Congressional “House Speaker” that violated White House “protocol” and found protest by the Obama administration along with many Americans that understood the future ramifications. Well now Congress got what it deserves, as this may have allowed Netanyahu to break his silence once and for all, as following that speech and gaining support in the polls, Netanyahu then played the “Turncoat” trump card on the Palestinian “Peace Accord” that was making progress for a “Two-State” compromise. What does that mean? That the children on both sides could have played outside at recess without fear of “Incoming”! Yes, Boehner's House now has “blood on the tracks” of decency! It appears that Netanyahu is acting just like Boehner's House, wherein the practice of a “Turncoat” is becoming pretty routine, “Divided We Fall”. In fact, it appears that the Congress is showing its true “Turncoat” color, and trying to trump Obama's diplomatic decision making process. Yes, the “White House” is under attack by our very own “solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States." So, to those great American salt-of-the-earth proletariats here in United States that are out working for a living and watching as some of that income garnished by Congress is then regurgitated as $Billions$ in Israeli “Military” support, here's your “Good Morning” of more to come from Netanyahu from “Our” blood money, as Benjamin is a Palestinian child molester!

Where will the children play?
~ OUR "Blood Money" at work ~

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