Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hillary Is Toast

Wow, with Hillary Clinton having more then enough time to come up with a fathomable yet fashionable excuse and finally coming front and center today to clear the air about her “private server” affair, a Bistro close to the University of California in Berkeley – a very liberal neighborhood with money and influence – it is selling out on a breakfast special, it's called “Hillary Is Toast”!
a "Blob" of penis butter on white.

It is like an assault trial, with Hillary maybe more in tune to a spousal abuse trial. First you plead “I want my lawyer”, then there comes the bail hearing, that is what Hillary is up against today. Judge asks, “How do you plead”? “I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have network relations with that server.” We know she is guilty of more of the same Clinton mindset, so today we will hear that plea for a very lenient bail. Look, just throw away the keys! So look to Bernie taking over the attention for the 2016 race. He is the only candidate that packs enough “upkeep” that can beat back the Koch puppet Scat “Sniffing Dog” Walker. Really, Hillary confided in Sarah Palin for assistance in this ordeal? I can hear it now, blame it on Russia!

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