Sunday, March 29, 2015

Critical Endorsements

Critical Endorsements or "Critical Entertainment"?

Weekend Update Endorsement Poll, courtesy Kapersky Global Spying Initiative: 

Melissa Harris-Envy of MSNBC endorses Ted "Спу́тник-1" Cruz. (Спу́тник-1, Russian pronunciation is “Sputnik” and was the first artificial  cosmonaut without intelligence.)

Ted "Спу́тник-1" Cruz during pre-flight suit-up. 
Judgment Lacking Jeanine Pirropiranha of FOX endorses Hillary “Лайка“ Clinton. (Лайка, Russian pronounciation is “Laika”. A stray dog selected as a Soviet space dog who became one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth. )
Hillary “Лайка“ Clinton prepares 
for “2016 Exploratory Suppository Test”

Note: Poll results are indicative of the total “Weekend” air-time dedicated to a candidate of choice.

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