Monday, March 30, 2015

Alaskan QUIZ

If Alaskan U.S. Congressmen Don Young believes introducing wolves to take care of the “homeless” population...I mean if Don “voluntarilysigned the Schaefer Cox Doctrine:

Let it be known that we, the people of Alaska, stand in recognition of the true principle that whenever a government abandons the purpose for which we have created it and even becomes hostile towards that which it was once a defender of, it is no longer a fit steward of the political power that is inherent in the people and lent to this government with strict conditions. These conditions are clearly defined in the United States Constitution and understood by the common man. Furthermore, to the extent that our government violates these conditions, they nullify their own authority, at which point it is our right and duty, not as subjects but as sovereign Americans, to entrust this power to new stewards who will not depart from the laws we have given them. This being the case, let it be known that should our government seek to further tax, restrict or register firearms or otherwise impose on the right that shall not be infringed, thus impairing our ability to exercise the God-given right to self-defense which precedes all human legislation and is superior to it, that the duty of us good and faithful people will not be to obey them but to alter or abolish them and institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to us shall seem most likely to effect our safety and happiness.

would Young be “Disqualified for Disloyalty” to hold an Alaskan “State” office?

§ 4. Disqualification for Disloyalty

No person who advocates, or who aids or belongs to any party or organization or association which advocates, the overthrow by force or violence of the government of the United States or of the State shall be qualified to hold any public office of trust or profit under this constitution.
“Alaska Made Wolves” – bred to take care of the “homeless and wetbacks” and “Alaska Made Militia” - bred to kill law enforcement officers”
Note: Schaefer Cox was indicted for the “241” murder conspiracy targeting law enforcement officers and is now in a Federal penitentiary serving 26-years of time. Yes, Don's friend!

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