Monday, February 2, 2015

Senator Giesselzilla

Is there something wrong with the air or water down there in Juneau? Like did Pete Kelly and Click Bishop bring the water and air pollution from Fairbanks back to the capital, so they could feel right at home? Maybe so, and it is having an adverse effect on Senator Cathy Giesselzilla. See, she wants Obama to close off New York City for development, in reference to the chief wanting to “Lock Down” ANWR for any future oil and gas exploitaion. Dear Giesselzillatoid: Obama lives at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue, you should have remembered that when Sarah Palin was invited to give the opening ceremony prayer down there in cesspool central. What the hell does NYC have to do with anything connected to Obama's wilderness protection mandate? Look, sure I think it's a good idea, and you should immediately suggest that NYC takeover to Obama and maybe it is something Dan Sullivan can get attached and play with, as he sure isn't getting any helpful advice from MoanaLisa MurCowpiefly or Don “Beanie Cap” Young. I honestly felt bad for Dan the other day when he was forced to side with MoanaLisa and Don at the King George awards. I bet if he hadn't already unpacked his baggage, he would have already been back home to Maryland. Anyway, about your advise and idea for Obama to lock up NYC for development. See, “WE ALASKANS” would be harmed by such a move, as whether you realize it or not like most Alaskans have not a clue, we “ALASKANS” own property in New York City – at the tune of $375-Million, invested as part of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation's investment strategy. Yup, a 42-story high-rise and retail right next to Central Park! But being a Giesselatoid and always running away from danger – a.k.a. truth – I am sure you had no idea what or where the state invests its resource loot, so just give it away! Yes, “lock” it down, and then the property values will crash and Alaska would loose a bunch of our future inheritance. In fact, did you realize that Alaska owns over $6-Billion in real estate and over $75-Million in tobacco stocks? No wonder the legislatures allows for that “Reality” crap to commercialize “smoking”, it kills our kids but makes a bunch of loot. So please Miss Chatterly, don't try to out-stupid Click and Pete, as didn't we get rid of the imbeciles when Weasel's husband was sent to prison? 


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