Friday, February 27, 2015

Mental Badge of Horror

Republican Representative from TEXASS Roger Williams wants to award FOX with a Mental Badge of Honor” for releasing the “Thermite” exothermic-oxidation-raction bomb recipe on how to kill Americans – on the eve that the DHS/TSA runs out of money and must furlough workers tasked with looking out for our safety! And members of Congress that were headed home for a weekend up-date, well all have mysteriously canceled their commercial flights and have called the “K-Street Buddy System Hot Line” for a private ceremony on high! So instead of working on solutions that benefit “All Americans”, here we have a TEXASS wasting time preparing TEXASS barbecue legends - as that is all TEXASS is about - “Imaginary Legends”, like those that appear on-stage along-side Clint Eastwood. Especially bothersome is Clint's newest “Imaginary” impostor. See, TEXASS is doing everything possible to successfully secede from the “UNION”, with frivolous crap and trying to lure Obama in on the action! Let them go is my sentiment – and please take Josey Wales with you along with your gunked-up barbecue recipes. Honestly, it gives barbecuing a bad rap, using that “Gunk” as a meat tenderizer artificial stool softener flavor enhancer. Really, in one of thum reality shows some guy that reigns as the “King of Gunk”, he uses “Gunk” to clean his ass and says that is the key to winning over the judges! The best thing that could happen to America is a border fence around TEXASS – to keep the damn Perry-winkle varmints out of our “Freedom's” sake forsaken by, well TEXASSHOLES. See, when that TEXASS governor decided to turn “Ground Hog or Arm-a-dildo Day” into “Chris Kyle Day” what a sack of shit embarrassment for the “American Sniper”! So erect an electrified fence, to keep the damn hypocrite varmints corralled and making sure that idiot from Crawford stays put. OK, Hopalong Cassidy Roger Williams wants Obama to award Chris Kyle a posthumous “Medal of Honor” which I find “post-humorous”. Look, it was a tragedy that Kyle was taken down by a U.S. Marine that was “Honorably Discharged” after the attack. What kind of message are we really trying to send our troops, as something wasn't right with Eddie Ray Routh! Not all troops in boots aspire to be snipers – as we also need bottle washers in the “Theater”. Routh “fixed” the weapons used to protect our troops – maybe it's a dirty non-glamorous job in comparison, but someone must do it. So we owe all our troops equal access to honor. This is about Kyle – and what about Littlefield? Who, many ask? Get the point, this hype is sickening and derelicts this nation's responsibility with prejudice. And when Kyle's wife takes narcissist lessons from Sarah Palin, like in “I find myself in a surreal Cinderella who scrubs the floors but has a fairy Godmother who got me on a plane and had a dress and jewelry and even the shoes and spanx waiting for me.”, well please open up that TEXASS border crossing for one more imbecile as that will give us “Real” Alaskans a break. In the meantime, please Mr. Obama do not laugh at Williams' deplorable recommendation. But as Commander-in-Chief, I know you already know better. But it is a Catch-22, as the GOP can not let it go blaming you for, well tonight the DHS is broke! Hey, how about barbecue?

Barbecue ~ TEXASS Style

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