Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Wow, United States President Barack Obama in “Good Standing” with the “World”, including an approval rating of 98% by “True Americans” just delivered a very short speech – on how this nation will go about eradicating ISIS. And the subliminal message, “What the fuck was Hillary Clinton doing from 2009 through 2013 and not aware of ISIS' growing presence?” See, as Obama was back home here in the “Home-Land Heart-Land” fending for our right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness against “Tyrants” like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner trying their hardest to unseat the “Trinity of Democracy” for all, well Hillary Clinton as “Secretary of State” was supposed to be globe-trotting to act as Obama's eyes and ears with respect to what was going on. She failed that mission miserably as it is the “Secretary's” duty to make sure we are safe. A watchful eye would have observed what was going on with ISIL. So, I am with the President on this, where in hell and what in hell was she doing? She was campaigning as a popularity princess, as a ways and means to “Margret Thatcher” her 2016 dream and in the meantime the wretched ISIS thugs grew in number, grew in power. And I am sure that if we had the “information” of what was going on in Hillary's “with us or against us” clan of action, we would find that Hillary's staff probably warned her of eminent dangers with ISIS gaining ground in Iraq. But that may have placed her under the microscope, especially when it was too damn late to alarm the President so he could take action - so quit before it comes front and center a “real” problem – and smile all the way to the debates, while dads & moms mourn their kids beheaded by this insurgency. Look, there is no way this faction could have accomplished what and where it is today, not without help and not under any radar known to man, as today it isn't possible – unless it was designed to intentionally weaken “Obama's” foreign policy. ISIS had help, growing without showing up in Obama's daily briefings. And that “help” may have come in the form of “complacency” by the ”State Department” because, well 2016 was more important. Get the point, this is how the Clinton's play the game. See, now she can take credit that her original vote for “WAR” was justified, as that is what Obama had to propose today – yes here we go again!

 ISIS, you mean Darrell? He's a hoot!

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