Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week-end Date Rape

OK, time for the Friday evening News' Media “Week-ending Up-Date”, a.k.a. “Week-end Date Rape Preparation” as we go into the week-end, well feeling violated already. OK, so MSNBC is now airing something about “Extended Stay”. Wow, is Chris “Hardon” Matthews still at the “Liberty Bell”? See, he can't get over the fact that the “bell” has a crack, so he gets into these manic depressive mood swings, mesmerized over the “Crack” and takes out his frustrations by yelling at David Corn! Hey Chris, it's better then concentrating on Chris Cristie's crack! So, this channeling continues to be a waste of time, just checking, as how in hell does it still find advertisers? You get what you pay for, but what does erectile dysfunction have to do with the “Liberty Bell”? So, onto FOX. Wow, Megynecology Kelly thinks that Bill Belichick and Tom Brady should be...time for a commercial. Wow, advertisements for douches and panty liners and more on erectile dysfunction. Do such commercials cater to the audience? OK, back live. Yes. Megyn thinks that the Patriots are not telling the truth with “Deflate-Gate” so she has suggested that the NFL bring in Dick Cheney, to water-board out the truth. Commercial time again. Wow, this time around it's all about diarrhea medication and more damn “erections lasting longer then 4-hours” commercialization. What's Murdouche up too? Damn, that's right as it is at the top of the hour so it is the Hannity Show – new sponsors. So Sean “Every Hair in Place” is on a rant about the “Sniper” and it appears he is over-excited so masturbating from underneath the protection of his desk. Is this guy for real? Commercial time, now it has switched to “constipation” commercials, and of course “Viagra”. Back to the action. He is still on the Patriotism” kick, and there's Sarah Palin, gnawing pitches for Steve King at some retreat for retards. Wow, Hannity is jerking off as when you have “snipers” and Palin and King, he cannot help himself from getting carried away! I think he is ready to...damn another commercial. What the hack is “Recti-Care”? Isn't that something used for “Torture”? OK, another change of sponsors as it is now the O'Reilly “Teleprompter” Show. So, Bill thinks that the “Internet” should be policed, as with all the flogging bloggers, “Journalism Standards” have taken a back seat and what's out there is garbage and half-truths! Bill is cutting off a liberal guest speaker that was not supporting the policing of the 1st Amendment – time for a commercial. Recti-Care and Viagra and adult diapers. Back to the action and Bill is pissed, as another guest with a conservative background has called him to the mat over his “Journalistic Standards”, which is censorship by another name. So this is what we have. A bunch of hypochondriac narcissists hypocrites being financed by diarrhea, constipation, torture and erections. Wonder why the “Internet” is becoming popular? Because it is “Free Speech” then some and without all that “crap” commercialization and retards trying to shape how we think by using “Journalistic Torture” to get their private "parts" point across.

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