Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lisa Murkowski Apology

Dear Lisa Murkowski;
DIS-Honorable U.S. Senator of Alaska

Alaskans in Good Standing our Commander-in-Chief” are today “Standing Our Support” and demanding an apology. When you recently opted to use the “News' Media” as a mainstream blitzkrieg voice wherein you challenged U.S. President Barack Obama and feared what could be accomplished by the use of the “Antiquities Act”, you were totally off base and that has caused disrespect and hate mongering within the social-media “Comments” arena. This is unbecoming a member of Congress, due the “conviction against eviction” oath that you are sworn under without dereliction as a member of the 114th Congress. You were re-administered that oath only 3-weeks ago! In 2000, while you were a member of the Alaska House of Representatives, the state senate under Drue Perce retained “Patton Boggs LLP” in efforts to render an “opine” on how and if “ANILCA” allows the permanent designation of the coastal plain of ANWR as a national monument under the “Antiquities Act”, absent congressional approval. The conclusion of that “opine” made available to the Alaska legislature and to Alaska's Congressional Delegation(at the time included Ted Stevens, Frank Murkowski and Don Young) “forbid” such an undertaking by a U.S. President. Had that “opine” found that the ANILCA was weak with respect to “Presidential Powers”, our Congressional delegation under Ted Stevens would have found language that would have fixed such weaknesses, which leads me to believe ANILCA as it stands suffices to protect Alaska's sovereignty, as is assured in the “opine”. If we can read an understand this “opine”, it appears you cannot, or have intentionally opted to avoid the merit of such a legal “opine” in efforts to incite support against the U.S. President, in the form of “hatred”. Due the fact that your ignorance this matter has caused President Obama to once again be portrayed under false pretense, you owe us an apology and should once again use that “News Media to correct your statements about what and what cannot be accomplished under the “Antiquities Act” by a sitting U.S. President. To deny this request for an apology will force “Alaskans in Good Standing our Commander-in-Chief” to file a complaint, as this is as near “Treason” as one can get, due reason of “NOT TRUE”!

Respectfully submitted for resolution by S. Pam McGee & Theodolite Stevens

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