Monday, December 8, 2014

Walker's 1st Letter

Dear Honorable Governor Bill Walker;

Alaska has become a mecca for filming “Reality” type TV shows. This interest extends in part from the “Tax Film Credit” that is allowed for those willing to invest time and money into producing entertainment about Alaska. Sure this “entertainment” creates jobs, and maybe acts as an enticement for the tourists trade, so there may be an added benefit. But are we missing something, as it appears that many of these shows act merely as a conduit for endorsing cigarette smoking. On one of the newer shows, about tearing up the back country – which I watch not for enjoyment but as a concerned citizen – I counted over 10x wherein the smoking was, well “glorified” during a 30-minute segment. I have seen the same on some of the shows still coming back for more, season after season. Now even though there is an FCC ban on “Cigarette Commercials”, not so with a show's content. This is disturbing, that a film crew would trespass into the “prey area” of the law, as a ways and means to highlight behaviors that kind of enhance the thrill of this “Reality” phenomenon as “Cool”! I am requesting that your administration look into this, maybe affording the “Tax Film Credit” statute some restrictions through some policing ability, that if smoking is condoned, that the entity filming and producing is not allowed such “Tax Credits”. Also, why is SOA investing in “Tobacco” stocks? To date, we have over $65-Million invested, which has been allowing a generous return - as smoking is on the increase with young adults, many that tune into these “Reality” shows and this increase in tobacco product usage does indeed target Alaska's Native population. So if you get the time, please look into these issues, as we may be accomplices in advancing a filthy health habit that is reinforced through a “Tax Film Credit” and if such is endorsing smoking as “Cool” , this was not the intent of the statute – as it may cause harm. 

Thanks S. Pam McGee

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