Monday, December 8, 2014

Something Stinks...

So, the price tag that is sitting on Governor Walker's desk today to build an LNG export with Alaska's “Stranded” North Slope Gas, it runs from $45-Billion to $65-Billion. Remember, the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline was a $9-Billion gamble that paid off handsomely. So here it is in a nutshell “Alaska Natural Gas 101”. If we buy cheap imported steel from nations that give not a rat's ass about labor wages or working conditions and at the same time hire ditch diggers to build this pipeline that are non-UNION, then we get the $45-Billion deal. Get the point? And this will be allowed only if the LNG lobby can get to Don Young, MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Daniel Boone and pay them to change the existing law, which today is as follows: Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act of 2004 under Section 111 ~ SENSE OF CONGRESS CONCERNING USE OF STEEL MANUFACTURED IN NORTH AMERICA & NEGOTIATION OF A PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT. It is the sense of Congress that (1) an Alaska natural gas transportation project would provide significant economic benefits to the United States and Canada; and (2) to maximize those benefits, the sponsors of the Alaska natural gas transportation project should make every effort to (A) use steel that is manufactured in North America; and (B) negotiate a project labor agreement to expedite construction of the pipeline.

Is it worth $20-Billion to gut the AMERICAN SPIRIT?

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