Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Seth Trojan Interview

Dear Barack;

Thanks for your Christmas present to America, by getting involved with the “Interview” in the realization it was merely an exercise in “Free Speech”. We need your help again, as some ex-LA policemen are in trouble for writing a song and just another exercise in “Free Speech” under attack, so can you take a few seconds from your vacation in Hawaii to address the nation showing your support for this song like you did for the “Interview”. Merry Christmas. Seth Trojan

 “This is America. We can say what we want. This is a free America.”
 Michael Brown learned a lesson about a messin'
With a badass policeman
And he's bad, bad Michael Brown
Baddest thug in the whole damn town
Badder than old King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog

Two men took to fightin'
And Michael punched in through the door
And Michael looked like some old Swiss cheese
His brain was splattered on the floor

And he's dead, dead Michael Brown
Deadest man in the whole damn town
His whole life's long gone
Deader than a roadkill dog

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