Monday, December 1, 2014

Report Card

The best “Report Card” with respect to whether or not Congress is performing its “sworn duty” and NOT evading its responsibilities is this simple fact. It is called the “Wounded Worrier Project”, wherein a non-profit was started to accept donations in efforts to help our veterans, our “worriers” when Uncle Sam fails to appropriate enough funds to cover “ALL” expenses necessary for those returning from combat to regain confidence – that what they did while engaged in combat was justified. When there is a single iota of an element missing this equation and our “Worriers” must beg for what is not provided, Congress is “evading” responsibility, and this dereliction is a crime. Yes, a “Crime” it is as “evasion” of responsibilities renounces that oath. Members of Congress don't give a rat's ass, as too make good our promise to fully support those volunteering for the firing line of duty, it may portray Obama in “Good Standing”, and that we cannot stand! We attack Obama's credibility by attacking our soldiers through a don't care attitude. Sure the American people care, but when the buck stops along the way, we are too blame. When I turn on weekend TV and see commercial after commercial the “Wounded Worrier Project” still needing money to help equip those “wounded” in combat with necessities to get through the day, this is probably the best measure of Congress' action or inaction to live up to that institutes promise – to uphold the “Constitution”. When a simple task is faulted, as above and beyond support is our duty to our troops in boots, we have no longer a dedication to the cause and it is in reality a desecration blessing from those so enlisted as members of Congress and a defecation upon our brave worriers. Best thing this nation could do is maybe amend the Constitution wherein the qualifications of those wanting to serve in Congress, besides an age qualifier, how about a service record qualifier? Then my patience would be not tested during the football game commercials, with non-profit organizations on the beg for those who fort, fort hard and returned, and due the fact they are without full protection that battle wound still bleeds - as they have been let down by those that sent them to the theater of WAR in the first place. “Chicken Little” representation it is, but when we go year after year with a “Do Nothing” Congress, why in hell should our youngsters be steered to “Duty for Country”, so when they return find that the gang that hired them, well are crooked thieves and our troops tricked into thinking they cared. They don't care, get it! And yes,It will be a great day when military veterans have what they need and Congress must hold a bake sale, for their pathetic salaries”! Do we actually pay them for such despicable behavior? There used to be a law, even against that! But for some reason, today it is total immunity. And this is wherein complacency on our part shows its ugly face. This is “OUR” problem, we must take back what is rightfully “Ours”, control as when we have a representative body that claims itself a “Do Nothing” year after year, have we forsaken liberty? Ask that kid just back from Afghanistan, with the prosthetic legs....

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