Monday, December 15, 2014

Capitol Punishment

From the bench of S. Pam McGee: “Former Vice President Dick Cheney says he is thankful for his new heart, but doesn't spend much time thinking about the person who donated the vital organ to him.” According to Dick, "When I came out from under the anesthetic after the transplant, I was euphoric, I’d been given the gift of additional lives, additional years of life. For the family of the donor, they’d just been through some terrible tragedy, they’d lost a family member." But today on Meet the Press with Chuck Re-Told, Cheney said that it has been a little better then 3-years since the doctor installed a new heart in the “Lion” without a heart. Or was that the “Tin-man”? Doesn't matter, as the Bush administration was missing it all – a heart, brains and courage! But Dick's memory doesn't jive with the time-lines available from trusted newswire sources when this almost “dead-man” was given a second chance - but with “Don't Ask/Don't Tell” legislation protecting patient rights, the actual news' coverage allowed the inside scope may have been a plot to deceive reality, to give Dick plenty of time behind the scenes to recover, to recuperate and make sure the “donor heart” did find acceptance. As in efforts for a human body to not reject a foreign pump from another human there must exist some similarities between the donor and acceptor – like almost a perfect match up at Dick's age. And it takes time, for the new heart to be accepted, as Dick's brain thought he was dead! So the “Donor Bank” has some tests that can be performed to match up recipients, the reason that the wait list is not always due time-in-line. And being an ex-con man with the Bush administration, we may have stumbled onto something of interest. See, it's a puzzle, just take some time to place the pieces in correct order, Layla, the story resonates some very interesting stuff. Look, there are many still waiting in line for a new heart, as one can't use Viagra until such time a healthy heart supports an erection lasting longer the 4-hours. So Cheney had contacts and he pissed a whole lot of people off, many that are dead for complaining including some veterans! So I looked into this precision of execution from information available from a “FOIA”, along with web-based information and a few phone calls to Alfred E. Neuman, historian extraodinaire. Well, Dick was on the “Heart Transplant List” for exactly 20-months. Now after acquiring all the data I needed for the “Puzzle”, it was time to engage some professional “forensic” scientists to help me out. OK, according to Phineas J. Whoopee and his 3DBB Super-Cray Computer located at the University of Fairbanks, Dick CCCCCheney was the recipient of a replacement heart on or about May 3rd of 2011, which coincides with Dick's testimony today on Meat for the Depressed, on national TV. And guess what, that heart may have belonged to Bin Laden, when Osama was captured during “Operation Neptune Spear”. See, we all know that Bin was shot then rushed “offshore” to a floating U.S. Navy Hospital Ship. And everybody wondered “WHY”? There was no reason to save his ass, so it appears that Bin's heart was a perfect replacement for Dick. But please do not break wind or this news! Imagine if Dick realized he is alive today and kicking George's ass, that his heart belonged to a “Terrorist”! It could “Break his Heart”, now that he has one. But I am glad the ex-VP is feeling good these days, seems a little feisty and at times a little nervous like he was hiding something, and YES he has re-affirmed that “I'd do it again in a minute” was a true statement of fact - that given the opportunity he would shoot Henry in the face with buck-shot again. But Dick was pretty pissed off on one particular subject of interest, at all this “crap” about enemy combatant detainees subject to “Torture”. He said the conditions at the “Black Dungeon” detention centers were better then most prisons in the United States. In fact, he said the detainees - refraining from calling them prisoners because Dick thinks they were incarcerated at their own free-will so never given a fair trial - that they were given a menu each day for the their food preferences, as religion plays an important part in a “detainee's'” diet. So yes, not only could a prisoner have re-constituted prunes shoved up his poop-shoot, but pasta source, apple pie, the list goes on! See, because they were being subject to “Water Boarding” for most of the day while hanging from stretched arms, anal force feeding was required, but the variety of foods were their's alone to choose, just the delivery method has come into question. Cheney is a changed man, more on the defense today more then ever, and not at all afraid to admit that George W. knew all about the force feeding rituals. But this was not a procedure performed by registered nurses, as it is supposed to be a medical procedure, but at the “Black Dungeons” they gave “Hubba Bubba” that white glove. Hell, Hubba spent time behind bars so didn't need any training, and when he said “Bend Over”, best mind that order for your food order! Here is what I wish, that Dick Cheney would for once try being an American, maybe by toking some weed, to let go his ambitions in life to trump Hitler in the category of “Titans of Torture”. Hey, I felt tortured during his entire time in office! And the way he is going with the “Heart of Osama” and still against Obama, about ready to make that “Titan” dream a reality. So Dick received a new heart from Osama Bin Laden, seems like a new meaning for “Capitol Punishment”! And I guess George W. Bush's Presidential Library – that which has seen a lower visitor count then Chernobyl Raion – that in efforts to entice American's to come visit, as it looks bad that people don't like “Dubya”, that an added value attraction addition will be constructed this coming spring – paid in full by a generous sponsor by the name of, can't be, Hubba Bubba – who is now the CEO of a “Defense Catering Contractor”! Yes, the addition will be a “working live” replica of a “Black Dungeon”, with “make-up” torture scenes! But interested individuals must be over 18 and the following will be advertised: “ Warning: Scenes of Sexual Violence“. And in addition to this addition, in the “Library Cafeteria”, one can fine dine on the same stuff ordered by a detainee for “Anal Recovery”. What you mean Bin Laden's skull is missing? Wow, first the heart now the “SKULL”, very suspicious...

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