Saturday, December 13, 2014

BIG F & the FPFA

From the crypt of Theodolite Stevens: So what, that the “National Council on Teacher Quality” in its 2014 Report to Congress has given Alaska an “F” in preparing teachers, for “Teaching”! See, Alaska received an “F” in 2011, then an “F” again in 2012, then again and again an “F” in 2013 and here we are again, another Big “F” and considered the “Worst” of the... And when this report is delivered to state legislatures, there is allowed “feedback”:

2014 Teacher Prep Policy Update for Alaska
Based on a review of state legislation, rules and regulations, NCTQ has identified the following recent teacher prep policy changes in Alaska:
No recent policy updates were identified for Alaska in the area of teacher preparation.”

Alaska Response to Policy Update
States were asked to review NCTQ’s identified updates and also to comment on policy changes related to teacher preparation that have occurred in the last year, pending changes, or teacher preparation in the state more generally:
Alaska confirmed that there were no policy changes related to teacher preparation.”

Why give a rat's ass? So what that we graduate students in engineering that can't even get it right with foot bridges, the ones failing along Tony's trails and launching rockets? What a joke. But there is room for improvement, and that comes from the United States House of Representatives “Budget Bill” that my friend Don Young just passed. See, in that “Budget” that should be approved by the Senate - what's with that crackpot Warren - we have a “Federal Pension Forfeiture Act” that allows Wall Street investors to sock-it-to-me these lame brain teachers here in Alaska. Sure they may spend their entire lifetime “unprepared” along with generous salaries and several months off each year - what a job - but when retirement time rolls along, it will be payback time. They deserve too have their pensions short-circuited, for being “unprepared”, imagine if Congress was so “unprepared” for as many years! Bar Humbug....

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