Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mr. Goober of MIT

Wow, Rand Paul is pissed, at the “Goober” and wants his money back! I am sure MIT will be cut away from all Federal research grants with this revealing plot. See, some guy that is claiming his ten minutes claim to fame as an architect of “ObamaCare” is now trying to cast doubt on the “Affordable Care Plan”, that it was doomed to fail by design? He must be from Alaska, as this state far surpasses all others when it comes to designing things designed to fail – Kodiak Launch Facility, National Guard, M.V. Susitna, Alaska Rail Road, Healy Clean Coal Power Plant, North Slope LNG trucking fiasco, the list keeps on giving like the “Energizer” bunny. But Don did get his “Bridge to Nowhere”, over the Tanana. So for Paul, with the “Goober” now coming forward with the goods the 2016 contender insists that the “U.S. Taxpayers” deserve to be re-reimbursed, as “Mr. Goober” was derelict in his conviction yet was on the Federal payroll during such times. Wow, what a concept, of giving back! Wouldn't it be nice if “We the People” were provided a “GAROWNTEE”? Especially with politicians. See, if they campaign on one thing then deliver not that thing and cater to the “Lobby”, we get our money back. Rand is on too something of “Great Expectations”. And Rand's “Rad” went a step further, until such time so excited was caught somewhat in a Hannity choke hold. When Mr. Diaper Head started talking about a lynching – he hates Obama with a KKK passion. But with Rand, he emphasized without hesitation that those in Congress found to be derelict upon their “Sworn Oath” and have evaded the responsibility of office, they to should be willing to cough up for not delivering. Well golly Gomer Pyle, the entire 108th, 109th, 110th, 111th, 112th and 113th have been AWOL for at least the last 14-years. What the hell are we going to think once the Congress gets back to work, as we are not used to seeing this representative body anything other then “Inactive”. OK, they did vote themselves a pay raise. IMAGINE, a Senator or Congressmen that shows a hint of dereliction should not be awarded, and maybe payback is a reality to get these buns engaged in performing something besides breathing and eating for free at the “Capitol” crapacafeteria. They have not performed, so “AEY”, “We the People” should be reimbursed. According to Phineas J. Whoopee and his 3DBB, we would all see a $4-dollar rebate check – about equal to a U.S. Saving's bond. Don't laugh, as it is the thought that counts. It makes sense! In fact, this nation would be better off if it were up to a state's government to pay a representative's way, instead of such a burden cast on the U.S. Taxpayers. And let's face the facts, why should the U.S. Taxpayers pay for representation for the 3-Stooges? I am talking Alaska's Don Young, MoanaLisa MurCowpie and that newbie, Sean Parnell. Look, Dan Sullivan is a “Parnell” clone, except with beady eyes which indicates a “Trust Me” is not even an option. Alaska has over $51-Billion in “Reserve”, yes a rainy day slush fund that should be used to pay for its mis-representation. See somebody is not telling the truth, as even with such a massive “Reserve” Alaska is still the largest receiver of Federal “Welfare”, both humanitarian and corporate? So maybe Rand should set his goals on other “derelicts”, and he need only look in one direction, just “North to Alaska”! IMAGAINE, if Alaska had to pay back what it didn't deserve after all these years? If we had something to show, that would be a different story – but showing “Failure” doesn't bring smiles. In all honesty the U.S. Taxpayers should demand a hearing on Alaska, investigate every penny that has come this way and, choke on the worst case of dishonesty ever, making Congress and the “Lobby” look like a sainthood in comparison.

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