Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Pick your nose and fling a goober towards the Capitol if you know who made that phrase famous? No it was not John Boehner, but Mr. Ridiculous House is about to “gar-own-tee” some changes to the Obama “Affordable Care Act” – now that we prepare to swear in another Congress, bent on getting even less accomplished. Isn't divide by zero impossible according to Newton's hypothesis? OK, so the “New Congress” says it will at least get twice as much accomplished as did the 113th. But wait there's more, 2 times zero is it sounds good. And when one analyzes the Congressional pay scale for hours worked during the 113th session, it amounts to over $275 per hour - maybe the 114th can top that! And remember, we pay for it! How come at one time in history members of Congress enjoyed representing for nothing, based on dedication to the cause of Liberty? Anyway, Obama was smart when he proposed ObamaCare, with respect to how Uncle Sam would pay off providing health care to all, at affordable rates. And that included “Taxation” and one entity that was hit pretty hard with a 10% fine, it was the “Tanning Booth” business, which is Boehner's boner! So the reason Boehner has called for changes to ObamaCare, it has to do with this “taxation” as he went very upset when it was included and many thought it was included as a get even prank by Obama – good going Barack! I am sure Obama laughs every time he sees Boehner with a darker skin color tan. So Ted Yoho, who called the tax a racism tax, he has already proposed a bill that would amend the ACA and do away with the “Tanning Booth” tax, so Mr. Boehner can once again bath in the glory of the heat of passion and when he gets skin cancer from over-exposure “We the People” can pay for his incompetence. Anyway, “I gar-own-tee” two things will get accomplished with the “Do Nothing But Less 114th U.S. Congress”, a pay raise and repealing the “Tanning Booth” tax. Wow, are not we proud of our representation! “I gar-own-tee”? Justin Wilson, a Cajun safety engineer turned humorist and probably the best cook ever to have a TV viewing – before all that Bobby Flat crap hit the screen! Yes, Congress on the skid row, reality TV crap taking over, religion sinking the ship of fools, may as well just pick our noses and flick the goobers, as finger pointing no longer “gar-own-tees” results. And it appears it will get a whole lot worse off in the Congressional AWOL category before we see a resurgence of “Representation”. Maybe it is time to stop paying for that “Do Nothing” attitude, as I feel cheated!

 Re-modeled Capitol Building for 114th Congress

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