Friday, November 21, 2014

Executive Order Revoking

Historical “Executive Orders” revoked by Federal Statute violations:

Grover Cleveland
= 1
Theodore Roosevelt = 2
 William Taft = 2
Woodrow Wilson = 1
Warren Harding = 2
Calvin Coolidge = 1
Herbert Hoover = 1
Franklin Roosevelt = 64
Harry Truman = 104
Dwight Eisenhower = 23
John Kennedy = 6
Lyndon Johnson = 9
Richard Nixon = 1
James Carter = 1
George Bush = 1
So, historically speaking, some 239 “Executive Orders”
signed into “Law” by sitting U.S. Presidents were 
overturned by Congress, through “revoking” due a 
violation of existing Federal Statutes. So, if Obama's 
“Immigration Reform” is indeed illegal, as many have 
voiced following the day after rape, then there is 
recourse – of course if it is indeed a violation of a
 “Statute”! Evidently it is not, as if it were, the Ted Cruz 
goons would have already pressed the issue and we 
would have seen action in the form of a “Revocation”.

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