Thursday, November 20, 2014


See, when Sean Parnell was governor wannabe like “Sarah” her heinyess governess, he poo-poo'd ObamaCare and said “NEY” to extending Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, which cost him the electorate which would have allowed continuance his wannabe “Sarah” fantasy. Honestly, when I heard about the “Panty” thief down in Kodiak, first thing that crossed my mind, where's Parnell? Look, Parnell quit a long time ago just like Palin's “horses in midstream” follies, yet he continued to take up residency in Juneau, at the governor's mansion because he was waiting on a “Reality” show contract – hanging out like he thought he maintained “squatter” rights as part of his “I Quit” state benefits. So here is the take on what Parnell thought he was accomplishing by insisting on “Hell No Obama Help”. The formula for Medicaid benefit extending also shores up Medicare and health care for the Veteran's Administration! See, “appropriations computation” finds some semblance of equal footing with some things, basically you can't give it away too the poor unless you allow an increase in other areas that benefits the better off – so herein we find one government program that provides relief and at the same satisfies other common denominator requirements. Get the point, by agreeing on helping the needy, the low-income poor with “Medicaid” through the “Extending” free-not-for-all, it also increases the chance of better care for our elderly and our war torn combat troops may get “quicker” attention for PTSD. Hear about the IRAQ veteran that lost his legs, and when the surgeons put the “prosthesis” right leg on the wrong side and vice versa - he is still like that today but has managed to get around! No, there is no such thing as “Malpractice” for our military troops under the knife. Anyway, with Parnell, it was a sick mindset that tried to refuse such Uncle Sam “Good Samaritan” relief just to satisfy the “Fringe” - trying to incite the fiction that Parnell likes to stand-up to “Big Government” and hates Obama – upon everything Obama did for Alaska. But Parnell – the verdict is still out whether he will stump trump Sheffield as the lamest of governors, as Sarah was in a classless class of her own kind – he was at liberty to try this tactic in efforts to gain favor a constituency with a bent crank-shaft, as many Alaskans have no idea what goes on behind the scenes but insist on hating “Uncle Sam”. Talk “Uncle Sam” or Obama around many “Tread-less Horsemen”, and pistons pop – good thing they have brain injury coverage from that job out at Eielson as a snow-plow snoozer. Remember this, 65% of pay checks in Alaska come from Uncle Warbucks....Why Alaskans hate Obama, it is criminal and if I were in his position, I would say no more “freebies” as Alaskans still take in 3x what other states find in Federal appropriations, as Ted Stevens did get many programs cast in concrete - the reason MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Don Young can sit around and do nothing as our representatives-at-large. Begich did go out on a limb, and with Obama's “Stimulus” we found another gift as Alaska reeled in about $2000 per capita when the rest of the nation realized $800 – so once again above average and the reason we were able to finally award Don Young for all the comic relief he has provided over the years, with a “Bridge to Nowhere”! Yes, we have a railroad bridge with no tracks to or from, crossing the Tanana River for what reason remains a mystery – but Don and Bill Sheffield are happy clowns. That's where Begich went wrong, he allowed it to happen and it wasted the U.S. Taxpayers' loot. And there are many members of Congress today that want the waste cut out, so send the Koch addicts on the trail, to sniff out the “waste not want” and then with the seek accomplished, destroy! Bye-bye Mr. Begich! So with Dan taking over, he can join MoanaLisa and Don, in the “Do Nothing” category and smile all the way to retirement. Damn, what a perfect fit. See, since MoanaLisa MurCowpie does nothing but hide and seek good land deals and since Don is still under observation over the coconut beheading, many in Congress think we only have Begich too blame – an out-of-sight out-of-mind reality. When many Alaskans were asked “Who is Lisa Murkowski”, most thought she was a lady that rolled pasta for a living, up on “Government Hill” still. But ObamaCare, because it is subsidized in part by charging Hen-House Speaker John Boehner a “Tanning Tax” - as he spends most of his time trying to be Extended Brown” - this extra loot allowed Obama to offer the “Extension” with benefits. So Parnell didn't have to accept the President's “Olive Branch” as Obama's ACA has been very, very, very generous to Alaska – even with denial of such friendship. See, we take some of our “Resource Development” money and keep it away from the legislature, yes we do, and that money is invested. Just this year alone, with the Affordable Care Act, Alaska has gained over $70-Million – for doing nothing to help out “needy” Alaskans! Which in Simple-Sarah-Math equates to an extra hundred bucks for your PFD check - in the 1st year the ACA was in effect! So, even though Parnell said “NO”, Alaskans continue to benefit from the ACA, today and tomorrow will be no different with actual increases, as the investment keeps growing with more “enrollments”, from “outsiders”! So that PFD is shored up by Obama's steadfastness to “HELP” Americans get what they deserve, and our politicians know this but also realize a majority of Alaskan have no idea what goes on - the reason they can take shots at this and that and still win over the lemmings still learning, based on the fact that a bent crank-shaft does indeed “Tread On” a free-ride!

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