Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When Tomorrow Comes

There will come a “Tomorrow” wherein a righteous generation will infiltrate politics, here and abroad. And when serving under oath, will be not obligated through outside influence to steer leadership towards dead end streets wherein hatred is of fashion, but instead take mankind in a direction that shines upon “Brotherly Love” as a commitment. In time, with this “Tomorrow” established, the present darkness of hatred condoned in part through wealth, this neck hanging albatross will be abolished forevermore - not through force but reasoned through example this leadership finding a responsibility beyond greed. Upon the dawn of this “Tomorrow”, the true importance of mankind's future will be revealed. And by the setting sun, to renounce the “Satan of Hatred” finding man's only baptismal vow - be it the only oath of importance, wherein the destroyer of “Hate” is found in the water of this ceremony, that which flows from the Creator's “Goodwill” in a form so pure, that of “Love”. And when One Love displaces all Hate, so will WAR and its affiliation with torture also be abolished, as we will then realize that WAR was the albatross holding onto HATE and thank our “Tomorrow” generation for banning it some more, to that dead end street once favored by political corruption and a WAR machine mentality. And by darkness of night when tranquility finds rest upon our no longer wearily souls, we shall realize that “Thou Shall Not Kill” had meaning, and the only thing worth killing is “Hatred”.


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