Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Wow, so the Palin “Brood” has landed a mega-contract for promoting “WasillaSURE”, an adolescent diaper designed to be worn when “Binge Drinking & Brawling” – a.k.a. BDB! See, there is a madness to the Palin Family method, it's called “looting” as there is always a way to make the “loot” necessary to carry on a tradition! So, when that sucker punch comes a knocking and makes you pee your pants, WasillaSURE is the choice to keeping the fumunda area dry and embarrassing “paparazzi” trails a thing of the past. 
 ~ Palin brawling, without WasillaSURE ~
  ~ Brawling with WasillaSURE protection ~

WasillaSURE, available at your local butcher shop!

Brood = A family of young animals.
Precautionary Warning: Please keep “WasillaSURE” out of reach immature, including Don Young.

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