Thursday, October 23, 2014

Voter Caution!

Look, please give Congressmen Don Young some breathing room, as he appears sick! He may have “Suicidal Tendencies”. According to the “Attending Physician of the U.S. Congress”, these are the tell-tale signs to watch for: Appearing depressed or sad(look at the “Mug” shot),  
Talking about suicide(Young is in the news talking about it). Withdrawing from family and friends(Young talks about his lack of support, to kids at school, what's he trying to get out?). Feeling hopeless, feeling helpless, feeling strong anger or rage, feeling trapped -- like there is no way out of a situation(Young was “rebuked” by Congress and lost all power and it was a unanimous decision by both the republicans and democrats, what friends?). Experiencing dramatic mood changes. Exhibiting a change in personality. Acting impulsively. Losing interest in most activities(No more free hunting trips!). Performing poorly at work(No more Mr. Niceguy with "Pork" for Alaska, even Begich has out-gunned in that category). Giving away prized possessions(What happened to the famed Oosik?). Feeling excessive guilt or shame(“Rebuked” by colleagues, the worst nightmare for a member of Congress). Acting recklessly(Threatening to kill anybody that touches him, rough-housing a “House” security guard). So it appears that many of the signs of a manic depressed person are front and center with Young, and we only see a piece of the action! Look, Don cannot stand the fact that he may be un-emloyed soon, and no “Lobby” will touch him, as he is under the microscope of the g-men. And like many other members of Congress, on a comparison basis Young is a “poor man”, and may be the 1st to leave that position, well “broke”! So if the voters don't retire Young, suicide may take its toll, the signs of depression are no longer hidden! We must allow Don to retire with dignity before it is too late – a time to enjoy life with his new wife. The Alaskan voters owe Don this kind of going away, that he performed well after some 47-years on the Alaskan political scene, but the time has come. And he was supposedly offered a job, as a “Rabid Skunk” hunter on Nancy Pelosi's wine-grape farm – right up Don's ally, as the preferred method calls for clubbing the grape stealing creatures to death, with that “Oosik”! So we should exercise extreme caution when at the voting booth, and take this into account. Why more? We saw what happened when Frank retired from the Senate, and then used his stroke to get daughter dearest that seat and we have witnessed a failure ever since. If Don does fake the voters out once again, with the “rebuking” in effect, it makes Young:
He's a real nowhere man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his nowhere plans
for nobody.”

Just in, and this may be the straw that breaks it off. Don Young's extended family, the Browns, have been indicted for 60-felony fraud counts, for receiving PFD money through falsification.

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