Friday, October 24, 2014

Suicide Fireworks

Damn Internet browser, can't seem to capture the “packets” and assemble the news' headlines with any sense of intelligence, just a Helter Skelter advertisement! Appears just like a Don Young political endorsement rant, requesting PacRAT money! Now a “Warning”, something about if difficulties encountered try a “Hard Reset”, sounds like something for the 113th Congress. Oh, “Hard Recess” it was meant to be. Here goes, still nothing, just like Congress. How come everything negative these days relates some how or another to our beloved “Congress”? Anyway, “Hard Luck” as my Internet browsing is still not in sync with reality, as half the screen now consists of ads and instead of waiting 3-seconds for the phony crap to end, it is now 10-seconds wherein “MY” computer is hijacked. Look, my computer has a mind of its own, so I'm ready to commit it to an insane asylum for psychiatric evaluation! There is a computer rehab asylum at: 2314 Rayburn Office Building, Washington D.C., 20515. But results are not guaranteedd and you may never see the “puter” again, as strange things and strange noises have been heard from this location – some say akin to a “Rabid Skunk” being attacked by “Oscar Oosik”. Is that a horror movie? Wow, miracles never cease to happen, as my hi-tech gizmo is starting to behave, in efforts to deliver the news still somewhat fresh, but slow enough that it will be old news before....See it's Friday, and since it is payday many think it means time to screw-off, so the “net” has been bombarded with traffic, thus the “packet” disconnect. When “High Speed” meant 1-gigalaugh, 75% of that bandwidth was used for “porno”. Today, with 100-gigalaughs, it is still 75% for bathroom peeing babes? Anyway, that's how the “net” works, through “packets” sent in many different directions then recombined to make sense – but sometimes it gets confused and things in the mirror appear closer then they really are – see what I mean about confused. Just like all those “Political” ads, they are broadcast without “white lies” but for some reason when it hits your screen, it's all lies. Honestly, just call up Don Young and ask him, he will deny everything you say, even if it is right there on your screen! Here is some proof as too how the intended data gets corrupted from delivery point to receiving end, when I did a “google” for “Don Young suicide watch”, a hot topic today in Alaska: “Murkowski asks Young to commit suicide”? Wait, late packets are arriving...“Murkowski asks Young to apologize then commit suicide”, see how things can get misconstrued.....more updates from the “Packetman”....“Young tells Murkowski to commit genocide.”....”Murkowski says Young is genocide.” And these two guys are teammates! But due “packet” mis-transformations, what are we really getting? Just more endorsement from the fringe, as that must be the clearing house for “Packetman”. Now didn't MoanaLisa MurCowpie just endorse Young? Oh, was it renounce Young – maybe like in Satan and all his pimps? Poor Donny, finally his retchard ways and means may be catching up, and friends once are starting to turn, run and hide. And his congressional colleagues have “repuked” him, or whatever it is called, but not good so Don is no longer in the “largesse” society. Damn, all the elements of wanting to commit suicide! Maybe Don should be on “Watch”, but then again, maybe he is too busy watching “Bull Sex”. Wow, maybe that is what happened to all the “Bandwidth”, as when a beat up member of Congress, what else is there to prove?

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