Sunday, October 12, 2014

One Great Man

Wow, why in hell is there a “fringe” that insists on “Obama Bashing”? Look, racism cannot be this bad, be this evil to incite this continued attack on what may be a time in American history wherein we have before us today the greatest man ever to serve as Commander-in-Chief! Either we are stool stuck to give credit were credit is due, or afraid to give credit were credit is, well long overdue – just because of the “Color of a Man's Origin”? See, I just finished reading the report that spells it out in detail of how-what-when-where-why of Obama's accomplishments for his country, indeed a remarkable feat of honor. Remember the importance of “Ask what you can do for your country”, someone did so remember the words of Mr. Kennedy, and good for us! When Obama came to the “Oval Office”, the economy was in a stall pattern of abuse, spiraling out-of-control and about to auger into a “crash landing” that would have capitalized on an excuse for a WWIII revival – as “WAR” sometimes in the past was used to “kick start” things. Obama is somewhat of a pacifist, so going to the status of a WW was not an option, like many neo-conservatives had hoped for. Had it not been for Obama's clear thinking and conscientious objections to “right wing” fringe benefits of destruction and the fact that he is in it for America and not for self-interests like many U.S. Presidential predecessors, Obama found the will and vision of an “American Recovery & Re-investment Act” - the “Stimulus” - to take hold of a regression like economic doom with gloom. And had it not been for this ACT, with a majority of the GOP “Naying” its existence, well our economy would have been by now defined by a “scorched earth”, as once it hits bottom, the bottom does indeed fall-out and resorting to “WAR” does indeed re-arrange the countryside – just how Dick Cheney re-arranges a face! Now this “ACT” has helped the U.S. economy limp by, as we are not out of the “heated water” yet. But for the time being it has us heading in the right direction and “Recovering”. I mean, the odds of success for any plan of action were unbelievable for the Obama administration, for the new kid on the block, yet it appears as though it has come through for America's best interest. And every American should be required to read this report, and history classes should cover this “ACT” as part of the curriculum, as it is truly amazing what can be done when a man of such greatness, vision and generosity uses his power, for ALL America. Yes, the ACT was designed to shore up the economy through 2014 with bi-partisan participation, regardless of how the “fringe” denounced Obama's plan of attack, helping out the business owner to a mill worker – all could and did take ownership this “Act” of Obama – almost said “Act of God”! We are starting to see signs of it coming to an end, yet there is enough in the approved “ACT” to take Obama through closure his ending terms. Like a battery, there is a reserve that should find lasting power making the rest of the ordeal comfortable and allow the economy to make a safe enough landing. I ask, then what? The GOP is trying its hardest to sabotage the economy again, as we speak. Maybe best re-call George W., ask him for advise on how to ruin a nation! No more Bush, as I am here to thank Mr. Obama for a job well done. So for those too intimidated or afraid to read the “ACT” report that furnishes more then enough evidence Obama's success story, here it is in perspective. Obama sent $800-Million for recovery efforts, close to what we had been sending abroad fighting the George W. Bush crusade, so Obama was smart, calling for an end to war so the loot in the U.S. Treasury could be concentrated here in the “Homeland” - to create jobs and start to fix the infrastructure. It worked and should be a lessons learned all those that voted against it. See, when Obama forced the Congress to approve the “ACT” with a slam-dunk “or else” mandate, many republicans said no and acted like a bunch of grown-up crybabies needing a diaper change. Every single American - regardless of party or religious affiliation - benefited from Obama's “ACT” and here is a recap, just so you know how incredibly brilliant this “ACT” performed. In Alaska, MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Don Young voted against the “ACT”, and Alaska's Governor Parnell said he would not accept any “ACT” funds. Funny, as in the end Alaska made out pretty well, with $2.4-Billion in projects - not including a Don Young “Bridge to Nowhere” - or approximately $2800 per capita when the “National” average was only $800 – and we can thank Senator Mark Begich for that outreaching. But do as Don Young and MoanaLisa MurCowpie insist - the cowards are recommending the voters force Begich out of office so they can have another Obama basher in their party. So please, vote him out of office for going along with Obama on this “ACT” - that which saved “OUR” nation from economic doom! Texas, wherein “Mad-Man” Perry wrote Obama a nasty letter saying he was not in favor of the”Stimulus” and threatened to secede from the “Union”, well Mr. Perry had no problem accepting - hold off your dandruff - $17-Billion in “Recovery Stimulus” funds, not loans but grants! California, where ISSA keeps a stronghold attack on Obama, how about $35-Billion. The list goes on and on this “Goodwill” wherein bipartisanship did not for once enter the picture – what a President is all about, and when it is all said and done, don't worry the historians will get it right and Obama will find his legacy above and beyond. That is of course Don Young doesn't get his way and incarcerates any historian that may see eye to eye with Obama. And the transparency behind the “ACT demanded by Obama at inception was paramount the success of this “ACT” and goes to show it can be done equitably, and we finally have before us something that works without the “Lousy Lobby” getting in the way. So I am saddened, I am angry, that the Palin & Bachmann & Cruz “fringe” cannot find the decency to afford Mr. Obama what he so deserves, “Credit”. Said again, only a “Great Man” with a conviction of placing the interests of the nation front and center that of self-interests can find such a success story, which the nation has not seen in a long time. Bush was the opposite, a self-deserving hypocritical nightmare. Clinton, lying gets you nowhere. Skip the rest, back to Carter for any worthwhile legacy. So it will be interesting if come 2016 the Rove controlled “fringe” steals away enough votes to take charge of the entire gamut, Congress and the “Oval Office”, and then we may see again the importance of the “ACT” if the economy is still in trouble. But then what, as the “fringe” will remain opposed to anything that worked in the past, especially if a success story once-upon-a-time found Obama's signature of approval – so the “fringe” will resort to the ugly option, that of WAR! Can you IMAGINE Sarah Palin as “Secretary of Defense”? MissHell Bachmann as “Secretary of State” while Cruz turns the nation upside down while at the helm? Gloomy perspective, let's hope it doesn't turn out that way and if Americans would just take a breather at the “bashing” and reflect on what we see before us today with respect to challenges met with success due a brilliant Commander-in-Chief leading that crusade, then we may have a good feeling of what we want in the future to continue on this crusade. So we all need to set aside our prejudices, and for once give Barack Obama credit, as without his dedication – we may have been by now experiencing the “Peril's of Palin”, not a damsel in distress but an economy on the ruin!

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