Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lights, Action...

So Alaskans will be the beneficiary of yet another “Reality” invasion, this time around the “Wasillabillies” get their chance to audition for “Deliverance” and show the world they know all about what it means to “Squeal like a Palin”. Getting close to her home? So Sarah got busted, for driving 30mph over the posted – yes this is a record as she seems always in a hurry to the “Bashing Post” or her narcissist treatments. And we can credit Palin for making this state a “jewel” thief's paradise with respect to these invasions by the “celluloid” circus clowns. I am waiting to see my “Mug” on the tube, broadcast by one of these “outsider” assholes with a camera, as when that happens I will sue to bankruptcy whomever is behind the scenes. Look, even though some may think that once in public we are free game for assholes with a camera, not true in Alaska as the state's “Constitution” is specific with “Privacy”: § 22. Right of Privacy - The right of the people to privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed. Once targeted by one of these assholes with an out-of-control trigger finger, that violates the “Right”. The “Realty” show has been invading Alaska's peace, quiet & “Privacy” ever since the “Film Tax Credit” was passed by the legislature. The first “Reality” filming was down in Juneau, when some drunk women caused the aborting of an Alaska Airlines flight, right when the plane was engine revving, as she wanted a drink! If I remember, her stage name was “Weasel” McGuire, as you always want a catchy name when “lights, camera, action” calls. Look this “crap” is promoted for a single reason, not due talent, but for taking advantage of these “Film Tax Credits” and also taking advantage of a weakness within individuals. Why anyone would permit oneself this punishment is beyond me, another form of abuse I guess. The foundation of “Reality” is stupidity, else it would not be successful. And watching “stupidity” does not engage the brain to any evolutionary challenge, so it is a subliminal mind altering mechanism that brings the curious down to that same level, “stupidity” begets “stupidity”. I watch “snippets” just so I can try and get an understanding as too why these shows are so popular. My poor dad, he loves this Alaskan “Reality” stuff, until I have to tell the truth, that it is fake! See, it takes advantage of the elderly, as that mind altering mechanism is already on the winning edge of things, as an aging mind is on the weak side to begin with - that comes with aging so beware! So they become victims. Should there be a “Truth in Broadcast” content law? I guess so but that may interfere with “Free Speech”. With that said, at least a “Warning” that what you see may be “disturbingly & discouragingly" false. But once you let the cat out of the bag, it would doom the intent of such shows – to make money by engaging as many mindless as possible. In any event, somebody has found that evolutionary weakness, with the wannabes and the audience. And here is how it works to make money, as even though one can practice “mind control”, if there is no monetary incentive, why bother? So some asshole that can't find gainful employment learns how to turn on a digital camera then heads “North To Alaska” to film assholes. Those in front of the camera that allow such freedom without threatening to shove the camera where it counts, are not true Alaskans. Estimates are that 99% of those so far filmed for crazed “Reality” came to Alaska, well after Palin became famous. Yes “North to Alaska” not for work, not for the wilderness or frontier spirit, but to spit on decency and ruining what took so many of us so long too establish – now washed away by, well just too much spit. I honestly think we need a border crossing security detail, to check “Intent”? What business do you have in Alaska? But it is all part of the “Bashing” tradition which was made famous by none other then....Now the cameraman asshole gets to acquire a 40% tax credit for his assinine work, for expenditures used to make asshole movies about Alaska's assholes. But wait just a minute, as asshole cameraman lives outside and doesn't own a business in Alaska, so has not a “Corporate” tax burden. So he sells his assinine “Tax Credit” to an Alaskan Corporation, for pennies on the dollar, to recoup some of his expenditures while filming assholes. Then the buyer beware gets to use the realized value to offset the tax burden owed to the state – for a business totally unrelated to the cameraman asshole. Yes, I buy a dollar's worth of credit for 30-cents and I get to rob the state coffers for, that dollar! I signed up for the “Tax Credit Interest List”, so I get e-mails from those interested in selling me a “credit”. Larry Zonker is one, as he comes to Alaska every year for a vacation, films it, then wants somebody else to pay for it – or at least assist in the costs for a stay at a luxury lodge. Then there is the family that comes up every year on a cruise, films the kids in new “Carhartts” and then sells the credits, to pay for the trip. It may not recoup it all, but 50-cents on the dollar, hey maybe time to buy a camera. The question is, who in hell is buying these “Tax Credits”, to offset actual taxes owed to the “State of Alaska”? It ain't oil, so it must be the cruise ship industry or drum roll please, law firms! See, since the “Tax Film Credit” office turned on its “Open for Business” sign and made its debut, law firms interested in Alaska have increased substantially, partnering with time tested Alaskan firms, yes teaming up with outsiders when the workload has remained pretty routine. It works like this, it's called free vacation time! Yes law firms from outside with no apparent business here in the “Lost Frontier” joins hands with a local, then come summer sends up an intern and uses the tax credits purchased to offset the trip. So even though the “Tax Credit” is supposed to benefit our own, leave it to the lawyers to figure out a way to “double dip”! Yes, outsiders are taking total advantage of the “Credit” due. That is wherein the problem exists, “but for” this transferable asstax, we would not be subject to celluloid abuse. But due “Confidentiality”, it is a hidden secret, but with a little know-how, it is easy to figure out what is going down – besides Alaska's once good name. Look, the first assinine reality show, "Deadly Catch”, it was a show that encouraged “smoking” and any filming that encouraged such a filthy habit should have been restricted by the “Credits”, especially when we continue to see such abuse here in Alaska, with tobacco! Look, we spent $millions$ from the “Tobacco Settlement” to broadcast commercials to enlighten those upon the health hazards of tobacco, and it was working. But as soon as some assholes that live in Seattle tried to call Alaska home and volunteered to this celluloid madness, smoking was like “Kool” again and records show now an increase in young Alaskans taking to the puffing. Yes, interest in this show has shown an interest by the young which now shows an interest in smoking cigarettes. Look, these “Bandits” are not real Alaskan commercial fishermen, with these huge boats that can comfort rough seas. How come we never see “True Alaskan” tough guys on film, they're too busy working for a life and don't like to be abused – plus these asshole cameramen would get sea-sick, and trying to balance a camera while puking? And “Ice Road Zombies”, the Dalton is not even close to an “Ice Road”! I've driven that road numerous times and also been on a real ice road, that stretched out 15-miles onto the Beaufort, on ice lanes and when the tide comes in, cracks turn it into a damn swimming pool. And, how come we have never seen a “Reality” based on what goes on up “North”, in the oil fields? Because this is where “True Alaskan Men & Women” work, and want no bother with asshole cameramen. But the “Realty” crap sells, and is an indication that evolution is allowing our IQ stimulating to go into hibernation, stagnation, bimbo-limbo land. Look, once-upon-a-time the camera filmed Jacques Cousteau and other adventurers, don't see them anymore do you? As the entire “Credit” benefit has been taken over to make a profit on “Reality”, as many will do almost anything for that 10-minutes claim to fame. I still have my National Geographic magazines, and sometimes after browsing through the content and realizing what this outfit once represented, “What the hell happened”. We were reneged upon, so I am trying to get my money back for the magazines. But this “Reality” crap sells, like hot dogs and cotton candy at a Palmer Fair. Yes, we don't need it, but for some reason we are taken in by it. Maybe due the fact we have become a dysfunctional society due political entrapment, maybe it is our only hope and like anything else, vultures look for reasons to profit from spoilage. Honestly, another Alaskan “Realty” called “Road Kill”, wherein a family drives around Wasilla looking for, yes “Road Kill” then brings it on home for supper? Is this not going a little too far...One last thing. Last year the Alaska State legislators debated about ending the “Tax Film Credits”. This came about after way too many complaints about the “Reality” on the Alaska State Troopers, using the show as a ways and means to broadcast the hardships of life in the villages, how inebriation and domestic violence abuse was a big problem. It is, but do we need to broadcast it? Well sure if it helped at fixing the problem – but that was not the intent as once it is no longer a problem, there is no longer a reason to film it. In fact, there is more then enough evidence that due “Invasion of Privacy” by the asshole cameramen following the troopers that domestic abuse increased! In fact, there is also evidence that when Governor Sarah Palin fired Walt Monegan – Alaska's Public Safety Commissioner – it was due in part Walt saying no to filming the “Troopers” and husband Toad wanted this “Reality” crap to take off, as it fits in neatly with the narcissists' attitude – which is what Wasilla is all about. And once the “Alaska State Troopers” hit the tube, there came thousands of complaints, but somebody was buying the “Credits” and didn't want to upset the trading in profits for “Privacy” invading. And so what, what's wrong with placing a bunch of drunk natives on display? This is not something that finds any humanitarian worth, unless we have really lost touch with “realty”! But those legislative debates did nothing to discourage the “credits”, to discourage the abuse and the attacks, which finds the “Reality” that somebody is on the take, for the making of this filth that has ruined Alaska, turning it from the”Last Frontier” to the “Lost Frontier” and "They're gonna put me in the movies"....maybe Alaska's new “State of the State” theme song!

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