Friday, October 24, 2014

Chastise THY Vote

So with incumbent and wannabe politicians, both on the local and Congressional level trying to level the playing field, it appears “Lying & Cheating” has become the preferred method to pull the wool over the voters – like a blind faith trust. So what, what's new! I am beginning to believe that those with political aspirations have an evolutionary flaw, corruption in the blood. But here is a little tidbit every Alaskan vote should take into account, before hitting the annihilate lever. Especially now with everyone interested in an “Office” using “Alaska's Natural Gas” as a pawn broker – sounds good just like a “Payday Loan”! Look here is what the “Public Law” says about that and what the politicians refuse to discuss in earnest or with any sense of honesty:


Sec. 719j. Export limitations - Any exports of Alaska natural gas shall be subject to the requirements of the Natural Gas Act [15 U.S.C. 717 et seq.] and section 103 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act [42 U.S.C. 6212], except that in addition to the requirements of such Acts, before any Alaska natural gas in excess of 1,000 Mcf per day may be exported to any nation other than Canada or Mexico, the President must make and publish an express finding that such exports will not diminish the total quantity or quality nor increase the total price of energy available to the United States.

Alaska's natural gas from the “North Slope” ain't going nowhere, there's a law that says so. Even Ronald Reagan - when occupying the Oval Office - insisted that “exports” of Alaska's North Slope natural gas would never happen. Reagan laughed when asked if he would lift the ban! Obama has signaled that he is not interested either, as it takes the sitting “President” to change the law that “Limits” exports, unless to Canada or Mexico. See, the caveat is the will not diminish the total quantity or quality nor increase the total price of energy available to the United States” clause, as this is an unpredictable element with unpredictable consequences as “exports” cost more to the receiving end abroad – so it has an economic effect on the consumers here in America. Exports hurt the “Reserve”, so it ain't ever going to be allowed. It follows the “Supply & Demand” theory, it still works. This is one of those things the politicians are afraid to tell us, especially after spending close to a $billion$ on a pipe-dream. Yes, friends with people in high places are getting rich keeping the “Dream” alive! And here is another reason as to why Alaskans will never see a gas pipeline for exporting, another thing that remains silent with the politicians and they don't want the cat out of the bag – as it is too embarrassing to come front and center and say, “Gee whiz, we didn't know that, so what with the money wasted”. Get the “whizzed” on point, there exists a law in effect that disallows exporting “our” gas! And in the silent treatment arena that other reason that is suspect emphasizing there is no intent to ever realize anything beyond a “Dream”, well the Alaska Railroad – a state corporation – it has legislative approval to sell $18-Billion in “Bonds”, to help pave the way for a “Natural Gas Pipeline”. It's nothing new, been on the books for many years as we were supposed to have a natural gas pipeline built within 5-years of oil in – that was 30-years ago. Bonds sell like “hotcakes”, as a preferred and almost guaranteed investment. If the state was realistic in building a gas pipeline, it would have a buyer for these bonds already lined out – and we citizens have not heard a single peep on this? But why build a natural gas pipeline, if nobody shows up except the “Dreamweavers” and the scammers? So, if your candidate of choice has talked about “Alaska Natural Gas Exporting”, it's a little white lie - but one hell of an expensive fib that seems to have found the possibility that perpectual “money” motion does exist, as long as we keep throwing coins into the slot machine! The odds.....

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