Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another Sarah Wannabe:

According to the “National Institute of Health & Welfare”, due to the noise blast that follows a bullet discharged from a rifle, pregnant women should avoid shooting weapons that are more powerful than a .22 caliber rifle or pistol. Your weapon of choice, the 270 used to kill that moose, it emits 10x-plus the decibel level - a.k.a. “loud noise” - that of a 22, which means your baby will never hear a thing you say once delivered. What are you crazy? I forgot, we all want to be like “Mama Brawl Moose”. Just another reason Alaska is becoming the “Lost Frontier”, pregnant backwoods lunatics on the loose for moose! “Got to fill the freezer, got to fill the freezer, got to get my PDF welfare check....” What in hell happened to this state? In fact, ask an Alaskan Native woman that is pregnant what they think of your deliberate act of “baby” abuse, you would be banned from the clan. And don't you have “Internet” access, so you can check this kind of stuff out beforehand? Pathetic to say the least.

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