Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pile of Bile

I am just, I am just...lost for words with any semblance of wisdom! What in torn-nation do these trash-holes think? OK, so I live in a state that has found “STUPID” as its trademark of survival - so I guess in the eyes of the bewildered beholder, I am also “STUPID” - guilty by association? Alaska, the LAST LOST “STUPID FRONTIER”. And NO I am not punishing myself, just bending down and over to experience this characterization in “Reality” check mode, as today the STUPPIDITY factor has unfortunately hit this state like an out-of-control Don Youngatoid – a.k.a. wild ass hemorrhoid disguised as a rabid skunk! See, we are now starting to see what “Corrupt Bastard” inbreeding and pasta fazuli nepotism produces – Alaskan Style Stupidity! First and flash frozen on todays “STUPID” forecast, well I would say that Wild West Jim must have a whole lot of evidence about illegal hunting by top officials, maybe even captured on film by his accomplices in crime - those that follow trash around so trash can be captured on film - else why did he get off so easy for violating “Wanton Waste” laws how many times guilty? So he gets “Community Service”? Look he is one of those “doomsday preppyscared all-the-time worshipers, which means he can't even take a crap without being loaded down with guns and bullets, he packs......! How in hell does the court find reasonableness in giving this guy an off-the-hook sentencing of service upon those in need? I don't want a guy coming to my community to help if he is carrying! I am sure he will show up to the local soup kitchen, yes well armed – because these people needing help are not his sort of folks – especially if Obama fans. Sure he sells arms to persons of interest, but sell a gun to a homeless person – not in our town. NO, sell the guns to those that prey on the unfortunate. How many murder weapons and illegal hunting machine guns have been sold from his store? So, he will never perform any “Community Service”, due the possibility of confrontations. He ended up with a “Stevens Free” sentencing, for committing crimes that would have placed many behind bars. IMAGINE if he be “black”! I once did “Community Service”, not as a criminal but as a volunteer, ended up having a homeless guy attack me with a rubber knife! So imagine Wild Jim doing his time and some homeless attacks him, bam...bam - “just holding my ground your honor, I didn't know it was a rubber knife”! Basically Wild West Jim's penance sets a precedence that in Alaska you can shoot anything anytime and not worry about the crime. Of course, that precedence started out in Jim's neighborhood, when the preacher shot the food beggars, because they were hungry! I bet that religious man got his gun from the Wild West man! This guy is a piece of crap in my book, yes the preacher also. But what sends the real message of “STUPIDITY” is the fact that the fallout of all that political inbreeding over the years has found the nurturing of a fanaticism that makes the Tea-Party tame in comparison – with respect to no respect upon the Constitution and citizen righteousness. This is the true piss on Miss Liberty rivalry. Remember for Alaskan history sake, it was Bill Allen that testified that the “Boat to Nowhere” - a.k.a. MV Susitna - was needed in efforts to build Don Young's “Bridge to Nowhere” – to ferry workers across the inlet to Bill's whore house, being planned over at Pt. McKenzie. No not the “Bridge to Nowhere” just crucified that crosses the Tanana River for no apparent reason but to provide more laughs and indeed points “Nowhere”, but the bridge that is being planned today so people from Anchorage can drive to all the prosperous farms in Point McKenzie, to buy fresh vegetables, milk, ice cream and “free-range” beef at a fraction of what they have been paying – due import taxation. See, that farm project is providing a windfall, as it was successful and all these farmers are anxious to get their goods to market! But the MV Susitna is under scrutiny again, for reasons not that it was a backfire of a project condoned by corruption allowed through abuse of political clout, but today the finger pointing opportunists involved in this project are using this crazed method to avoid, well getting a real job. And let's begin to be honest this waste again, as it was Don Young that wanted this Navel amphibious assault vessel above all, as he likes “things with no apparent future”. Don Young, is the ultimate “Nowhere Man”! Look Don would build a pyramid to replace Mt. McKinley, just for the fact that it would create thousands of jobs and when finished the Alaskan Natives could no longer claim the reign of “Denali”. Yes, building stuff under the label of “Nowhere” is not out of any beneficial necessity but to create jobs and waste resources! Sure Don would move a mountain if he had the opportunity. Anyway, when that coconut fell on Mr. Rabid Skunk's head and he woke from a coma with a premonition that Alaska needed a boat to nowhere, Don went to Ted as the “Hulk” had the stroke, and the money came in boatloads and the boat nobody really wanted was built - and today Ted gets the blame. Sacrilege how we find it so convenient to blame this “Wanton Waste” on a dead guy. Since the MV Susitna, the “Boat to Nowhere” that cannot even be given away, I have heard one too many try and blame Dead Ted for this crime – his friends, as this here we go again failed project finds waste and is a political stabber, so may as well stab Ted in the back - some more. It is a crime of grave digging! So the Port of McKenzie Imbeciles - a.k.a. Pt. McKenzie Port Authority - have been issued a “DEMAND” notice to pay up a $12-Million loan in arrears – U.S. Taxpayers loot. See, there were many lanyards attached to the “Ferry”, stipulations that follow every damn project that is funded by the U.S. Taxpayers – it finds transparency. Yes, even though 87% of Alaskans “hate” government, the FTA has true Americans that watch out for our loot. And since the MV Susitna reneged on its maiden voyage and is now decaying to rust, yes we should “DEMAND” our money back – as it was and is sinister fraud from the beginning of this project and it hasn't ended yet. Nobody ever wanted this pile of bile! Yet to reason “suing” the U.S. government on this fiasco, I am lost for words that there are actual people out there with this thought process mentality and allowed to drive? Yes, the Port idiots are threatening to sue Uncle Sam? Does frivolous ring a bell? See, several well paid have already made a career at the port, for a ferry that has not sold a single passenger ticket, has not even made a single safe journey, so by suing – it maintains that do-nothing lifestyle for say another 5-years. By that time, they will have put in enough time for retirement. Bottom-line, the U.S. Taxpayers should be up in arms and demanding that we counter suit, and receive back every penny plus interest and attorney fees – as with $42-billion in reserve, this “STUPID” state has no excuse but to pay up for such mistakes. Yes, it is another case of fallout from the Corrupt Bastard Club era, and today we find STUPPIDITY” in line with “Nowhere” as continuing on a voyage that hurts the U.S. Taxpayers, it finds us all part of the “Corruption”. Yes we are all guilty when our representatives commit “Wanton Waste” for a Viagra moment – when that 4-hour erection at election time christens more of the same, “Corruption” from the helm. And to that judge that handed Wild West Jim a “Get Out of Jail FREE” ticket, torn-nation it is!

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