Tuesday, August 26, 2014

4-Seconds Too Late

Wow, we almost succeeded in a long overdue mission – getting rid of the Kodiak Launch Facility. Have any idea how much it costs to maintain this “Cape Canaveral Carnage to Nowhere”? It has operated at a $13-Million dollar yearly loss since the beginning of time. And if you add in the lucrative salary of the head cheese and his hierarchy of do-nothings, it amounts to about a PFD lose of $350 bucks – that's each year this monstrosity is funded – by the State of Alaska! And the empire builders – members of the “Bridge Builders to Nowhere Society” exclusive to Alaska – well they want more loot to build another launch tower pointing “Nowhere”! Yes, we pay for it as this mission NOT-accomplished is a state “Corporation”, one of many that can hide under secrecy and we never get the true facts of what's the matter. See, this thing was built but never found beneficial use that could pay for itself. When a project no longer benefits the “mission” and cannot find self-sufficiency, then bring in the wreaking ball, sell what's leftover as scrap. But when you have Senators with “crabs”, they're itching to throw money away to their “Vote Me In Again” constituency. See, this “Wanton Waste” creates about 46 islander jobs – paying very high wages – so the hell with fishing. So too bad the rocket didn't have the intelligence to blow itself up, while still tethered to the tower, as then we could have celebrated that it isn't worth fixing this mess and collect the insurance. Then take that loot and distribute it as that is what this State's Constitution mandates. In fact, read between the lines, as “Private State Corporations” are, well against the law..... Bridges to Nowhere, a rusting Ferry to Nowhere, and now this...maybe we are on a roll of self-destruction as a ways and means to police our thirst to fail! Throw money at it, seems to be Alaska's motto!
 KABOOM over Kodiak Island

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