Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Where's the SEAGULL?

So Enstar is raising its rates? And everybody that should be pissed is pissed, as the Alaska Regulatory Commission didn't allow for the public outburst to make a difference. See, complaceny ruins a good thing, as for years we just let Enstar get away with it, especially when there was an $11-Million dollar over-charge to the U.S. ARMY. And when the Gatling guns were pointed towards Spenard – Enstar Headquarters – they paid quick and then tried to cheat the customers out – that backfired. Look, it's about time, as Enstar pays its executives no where near what they deserve, in comparison to other major utilities around town, like CEA and GVEA up north. Matter of fact, Enstar gave its CEO a raise in 2011, from $338k to $437k, then Enstar stopped publishing the salaries of the top executives. Wait, that meant a $100,000.00 increase? Is this for real, a 130% increase, for what? No wonder Enstar must raise rates, as who knows, that 130% per year may have become the NORM for the executioners branch! What happened to the good old days, when reputable entities like Seagull ran that operation? Ever since SEMCO came to town, it has been highway robbery, year after year after year – just ask Tony the Tiger!

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