Thursday, July 10, 2014



According to the Queen of Palintology, U.S. President and Commander-In-Chief Barack Obama should be impeached because of these 25 reasons: Because Obama.....

  1. is not an “IDIOT” like the Palintology fringe following
  2. has a bigger pennis then Todd the Toad
  3. allows the 1st Lady Independence
  4. doesn't need Viagra
  5. beat the dick off of McCain and his Ruining Mate(the Queen)
  6. would never cover his face in Duct Tape(Like Todd the Toad before sex)
  7. is a good basketball player
  8. makes George Bush look like a pigeon stool
  9. supports workers rights
  10. supports the “Union”
  11. supports a global “PEACE” initiative
  12. supports environmental stewardship
  13. smiles like he succeeded
  14. makes Rick Perry mad
  15. laughs at Rick Perry's madman madness
  16. doesn't have dysfunctional daughters
  17. believes the “QUEEN” is a reincarnation of Playboy's “Granny”
  18. believes the “QUEEN” assassinated “Gabrielle”
  19. doesn't believe his farts don't stink
  20. doesn't need the FOX
  21. protects the “hen-house” from the FOX
  22. is a “True” American
  23. quit smoking
  24. thinks Dick Cheney defaces property for fun
  25. is a gentlemen!

Palintology is a science erected from Parasitology, the study of parasites - a.k.a Tea-Party miscarriages.

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