Thursday, July 10, 2014

PALINTOLOGY - the Condom According to Sarah Palin

PALINTOLOGY – the Condom According to Sarah Palin

PALINTOLOGY is a newly developed sub-science created from Parasitology – the study of parasites. Parasitology is defined as: The study of organisms living on another usually larger host organism in a way that harms or is of no advantage to the host. PALINTOLOGY takes Parasitology into account and is so defined as: The study of one who scrounges, somebody who exploits others without doing anything in return.

And PALINTOLOGY gets its glamor for the parasites that continue to get scrounged upon by “QUEEN” Sarah on her never-ending whirl-wind “Obama's a Liar Frustration Tour” - “Queen for the Day” ring a bell? Maybe “QUEEN in the Way”!

PALINTOLOGY gained popularity when Sarah Palin became John McCain's ruining mate, during the 2008 “Joe the Pimp Her” campaign. So this book soon to be released, titled PALINTOLOGY – the Condom According to Sarah Palin” - it tries to capture the events then and now, as a means to increase the awareness this new science may have on society, a science that invites human participation - at the “parasite” level. Since parasites cannot dis-cipher anything of intellectual value, this is a “picture” only book - as many of us are lost for words when trying to make sense over the nonsense.

This book is dedicated to Sarah and her Prince Toad. All proceeds from the sale of this book will go towards the HANNITY Palinoholics Recovery Center, wherein parasites can find treatment that begins to divorce victims away from FOX and the after-effects of being “scrounged” upon. Those that have found success at the clinic are: Sean Hannity, John McCain, sorry the others remain anonymous.

To understand this book, only 2-words need to be understood: ME and ME

Note: This site provides a “Trial Run” of the book, PALINTOLOGY – the Condom According to Sarah Palin” and the publishers have allowed the publication of the first 10-pages – enjoy but please do not try to read while driving, as it could be just too funny and jeopardize efforts to remain in control behind the wheel, and that means becoming a road-rage parasite!

Page 1                                       ME
 Page 2                                       ME
 Page 3                                       ME
 Page 4                                       ME
 Page 5                                       ME
 Page 6                                       ME
 Page 7                                       ME
 Page 8                                      ME?
 Page 9                                      TOAD

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