Sunday, July 27, 2014

One Percent BAD

Why does the religious freak show try to portray the “Creator” in the image of a human, male? HE descended down from Heaven, was crucified, them ascended away with a flock of virgins. Anyway, I was board so tuned into a show about “Outlaw Bikers”, those that wear the 1% patch. To get initiated into a “biker fan club” as a 1%, some outlaws have a “piss-on-me” requirement, wherein the final initiation finds the drunken-up membership lined up to “urinate” on the “brother”, guys and gals dropping the draws to let it fly - talk about a facial, talk about humiliation! So of all the law abiding motorcyclists from sea to shining sea, there is a faction that lives and operates above and outside the law. A club mentality that hates government, hates authority, hates its rivals – those on the other side. It means an existence through extortion, bribery, gun-running, money laundering, racketeering, corruption and influence. And if anybody gets in the way, just piss on them. Damn, sounds just like the 113th Congress. Makes sense, as the obstructionism upon the “We the People” is in favor, of that other 1% - the filthy rich that ascribe to a lifestyle no different then that of an “Outlaw Biker”, at our expense – maybe “Outlaw Bilkers” fits the image. Get this, 50% of those in the Richie “Filthy” Rich 1% category, well they found that wealth, through the same practices that of “Outlaw Bikers”! Like extortion, corruption and racketeering. Yes, we are pissed on daily by Congress, wherein that representative body is pissed on daily by the wealthy class – the trickle down theory is alive and well. Only problem, I believe the “Outlaw Bikers” could run this nation better then.....

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