Thursday, July 10, 2014


The Alaska State Legislators have OK'd a bill introduced by Representative Wes Keller, (R)Wasillabilly. The proposed bill was designed to increase the legislative pay by $7000/Year. All in favor say “AYE”.

JUST IN! Wes Keller to pay back the SOA for $7000 fine for shipping “spice” through air. Yes, WES was caught and the SOA was fined by Federal air marshals, because the goods were being shipped to Juneau as part of the legislator's fringe benefits. But Wes said it was his fault and that the SOA should not be held responsible for his questionable activities, especially for the $7000 fine.

Recap: Commit a crime, get fined. Increase your salary, pay the fine – crime continues to pay here in the “Lost Frontier”.

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