Saturday, July 19, 2014

Get Over It

From the FOX to MSNBC, from the “LEFT” to the “RIGHT”, it has been a non-stop finger pointing waste of coverage, as usual. Modern day journalism can find an infinite amount of baseless excuses to extend the life of a “fart”. So just get over it! It was not premeditated. It was not planned. It was an unfortunate military ACCIDENT, the reason a plane with over 250 innocent civilians was blasted out of the sky by a hell-fire missile! It happened before, it will happen again unless we as a civilization declare a “WAR” on “WAR”. And that time has come, as this cowardly act of arming this and that to the hilt, it today displays a dereliction of brotherly love and thus denies advancement of civilization. It is time wherein the United Nations is allowed to be the “police” of all nations finding conflicts – with its own coalition of troops and the will to act against any insurgency that springs up based on a no-holds-barred release of arms from “WAR” machine countries, including the United States. Exporting of weapons from any nation should be banned, and to allow such trade, it basically places every participating nation as an accomplice and guilty of “WAR” crime acts. We don't need a jury to find guilt with crimes against humanity today, from the “WAR” machine alive and well, the evidence is overwhelming. Sure we are all guilty, as the excuse that there exists “Two” sides to every story so both sides must be armed “equally” just doesn't cut it any more, and Arlington Cemetery is getting filled - so we must STOP. Can you imagine if back in Custer's day arms were so readily available to advance those efforts to massacre the “cannibals” or “animals” - whatever that respect we showed back then to our Native American brothers and sisters. Or if Geronimo had the purchase of unlimited arms at his disposal? When supposedly advanced nations enroll and invest in the deadly “WAR” machine, what in hell are we really advancing – accept the fact we haven't got over the “Wild West” fantasies. MODERN MAN, say it again, MODERN MAN, it ain't so if we continue to design weapons of mass destruction and those fashionable in wealth finds it fascinating that they can make a whole lot of loot catering to the “Killing Fields”. IMAGINE, as is so alive still today John Lennon's dream, “IMAGINE” if we replaced that waste of talent and resources that aids and abets the “WAR” machine and focused the same effort toward non-WAR technologies, to find things beneficial to mankind - not destructive. Sure many argue that the “technologies” that benefit mankind come from military preparedness, so are we a civilization that wants to be heard of around the universe as shoot first then ask? What a poor excuse it is, to say my “cell phone” or HDTV came from the military technology R&D - blood on the tracks, blood on my hands? “WAR” may have found a necessity once-upon-a-time, even though I am not convinced that was ever an “only” option, and only became popular because when the first troop was killed, we didn't know better or looked to the future to see how this “First Shot” would reverberate around the globe and cause – like I said already, cemeteries dedicated to our kids in boots are filling up, for nothing gained and a whole lot lost! What good, what worth is it to kill another human being over a simple argument? IMAGINE again, if we used the ten-second rule before we pulled the trigger? Look at what we have created to kill the masses – from chemicals to nuclear and who knows what else is lurking in the “Elephant Cage” - a secret place on many U.S. military bases that contain hi-tech secretive weapons of mass destruction based on the newest of “technologies” not yet published or understood by the human race – but just wait, as someday whatever that “monster” was meant to be or do and it becomes outdated, it will be introduced to the “civilian” ranks to increase the “Twitter” madness. If we all took the stand to boycott technologies with origins from the “WAR” machine, we would still be using POT – Plain Old Telephones. It still gets the message across! Yes, we can turn back the tides of destruction – we need to rid our mindset the fact that “WAR” can perform “peace”, it doesn't and is just a premeditated excuse by many that enjoy getting “rich” at the expense of the horrors of “WAR” cast down upon the innocent and having enough loot to pay off the government so their kids will never understand the true horrors of limbs blown off, eyes burnt out and souls lost. Those that promote destruction, are just in it for the buck. Now that is the attitude that should be the focus to wean us away from our destructive ways and means – boycott the SOB. But that is wherein we fail, as “IMAGINE” fails those efforts, as to have peace, it means sharing – and that is something that still baffles the human intelligence. “What you mean we need to share the earth's resources?” And for some reason, once again wherein the human intellect fails, insisting that “sharing” is some how associated with “Socialism”. What in hell is wrong with sharing? Even if it takes on the label of “Socialism”, who gives a rat's ass if for once, for a single day come nightfall every living being on this earth has a full belly and a place to have a quite night's sleep without fear? We continue to be a sick society, as there are thousands that wake up in fear with “My belly full but we hungry”. Someday, we will get over that hurdle that scares us away from peace, wherein we will see that working together in “peace” for the good of mankind, there comes no bounds to what we will discover to make our lives respectable – unimaginable awards await us, when we finally get on the right track. If we had taken all that money spent on destruction and placed a bet on mankind's wellbeing, like to cure cancer, that wretched disease would be a thing of the past. We have the technology to feed a hundred earths - yet people go hungry. We have the technology to build houses out of tress and dung, yet people are without shelter. Why is “peace” and “equality” so damn repressive a subject? Maybe it is something in our DNA, maybe one-day the tides will turn when that bastard child in that DNA chain has had its fill, of destruction not the answer. But I believe the culprit is not inherent in the DNA, but there is a virus, a disease that infects, it is called “GREED”. Destroy that, then it will be happy day, and we can sing in praise what Woody sang: This land is your land, this land is my land....”

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